A bombshell and a bitch-fight make the bachelor's party really special! And me: Wuäch

I have to confess to you: There is one thing that was already close to my heart last week, but which I did not want to mention until I was sure. But now, after episode two of 'The Bätschler', it just has to get out: I FIND ANDREJ MANGOLD SYMPATHIC! At least so far. And only if one disregards the fact that he constantly like a faithful dachshund the cameras festered, hoping to finally be picked up from the shelter.

That's why: Deep breath get everyone together? I've already set my therapist to the shortcut key (I had last, as the Völzi his drooling estrogen inserted the drooling tongue in the necks and thus has created countless ENT report). My world view is destroyed for the time being, because what is left for me now?

Oh yes, Isabell!

Luckily, I'm professional enough that I can ignore this sympathy problem and concentrate instead on the women, who only use their heads to pile up on them tatty concrete hairstyles. A particularly pesky copy is Isabell. You remember? Kickboxer by day and Playboy Bunny by night? Yeah, right, the one who always looks like she's auditioning for soft porn ... Had the chard known what to expect, he'd probably have requested escort on RTL. Or at least a petition for clemency made to the Mexican government.

Isabell lets the ghetto woman out 1.0

In the gym Andrej Mangold makes the girls sweat.

© MG RTL D / Press Office

Well, he has not and so is the ghetto-woman from Magdeburg already at the first group date at the start. True to the motto "Drum check who ties forever, if there is something more stupid" meets the Bätschler his chosen one in the Muckibude and is very lively at the sight of sweaty textile phobics.

But while Gina-Lisa aka Jade and the others, whom I can not remember, diligently lift their mini-weights, Isabell would like to swat the drool from the corners of his mouth. Because what can you do with a Rosenkavalier who does not have at least the width of a two-meter seventy-PAX cabinet and prefer to pluck the Mexican guitar instead of knocking like Rocky Balboa for the poor in some dark alley? "If he can not do that, then I can not do anything with him, but maybe it has to be like that with the basketball players, I did not have one yet." (No, but probably a footballer, a boxer, a hockey player,?)

But she does not want to give up the tame chard yet: "I can show him how a head nut works!" Was not that the producer's plan anyway? Yeliz, who polished the stubby macho cheek for the Völzi last year, was supposed to be just the prelude.

Isabell bitches around, she has much more serious problems

The "towel gate" will probably go down in the German trash story. Eva would not mind ...

© MG RTL D / Press Office

But not only with Andrej she drives out the gawped claws, even in the Ladys Villa burst her collar. The reason: a purple towel! Yes, you have read correctly. A bathing utensil becomes the object of a tangible confrontation that has never before been seen in German television. 'In the middle of life' is a shit against what was going on at the pool in Los Cabos? I promise you that. Here is the short version (for the long version, this incident is definitely too violent!):

Eva used a purple towel. Isabell later took this out of Eva's room because she had used it before (Ihhh !?). Eva freaks out. Isabell freaks out. Eva takes back the purple-colored towel. Isabell wants to beat Eva because of that. Eva rolls her eyes. Now Lara intervenes. Eva comes dangerously close to her. Lara asks if Eva wants to clap her one. Eva apes Lara. Isabell calls Eve the devil in person. Eva makes an exit.


Brilliant number, right? I have to recover from this towel gate ... Ok, go again!

The Swiss chard is dancing? and I think I have to break!

The second group date is on? at least for the Batchi - much better. Probably still disturbed by the encounter with the Aggro bunny, he invites the next group of his estrogen followers to a typical Mexican Fiesta. Translated that means: A series of polyester spitting Barbies and a horny chard wriggle so uncoordinated to dance music that I'm worried that they suffer an epileptic seizure at any moment. I swear to you, at some point a paramedic like Speedy Gonzales comes out of the bushes to put the twitching cardboard noses under general anesthesia.

Or RTL takes its time-tested trick 17 back and lures the jungle camp candidates in spe with a tray full of tequila from the dance floor. May I have one, please? Nobody can really stand the sight of the "dancing" chard! (Hello, my name is Ann and I'm an alcoholic, and the Bachelor's is to blame!)

Maybe the vegetables but also negotiated smart and RTL persuaded to serve minute by minute short. If the road to fame and glory in the German Trash-TV works just about the award of over-bred roses, then you can drink the associated Gina-Lisa and Isabells at least nice! So do not chew long and quickly Kopp in the neck.

Steffi is allowed to lubricate the Bätschi's mind

The chard and Steffi at the wild Rummatschen.

© MG RTL D / Press Office

Neatly puffed and stuffed with salted guacamole, the girls finally have to make their way back to the villa? all but Steffi. The may still remain and lubricate with the mangold color on the body. The creators of the show probably found that somehow sexy, as did the Swiss chard, which rewards Steffi's dexterity directly with a rose. "There we spoke the same language," he whispers, probably meaning this one here: dot, dot, comma, stroke - the hollow-bulb face is done!

Compatriot Christina, on the other hand, does not like the wild body painting number at all. When the woman of the hour, the woman who got the first rose last week, the woman who is the future Mrs. Vegetable, is definitely given too little attention. It does not help to fan out like a crazy seal? the tears just do not want to dry up and many would like to drown in it, just so that the misery finally comes to an end.

Nathalia makes the big and small chard quite spuschig

Nathalia immediately completes the bachelor's degree with her Brazilian finger.

© MG RTL D / Press Office

But nothing there, because RTL already has the next surprise ready. Freshly filled and wrapped in a new load of plastic rags, the Bachelor Görls are suddenly gaining ground in the Night of Roses. Her name is Nathalia. Her job: bombshell. At least that seems to be the small Swiss chard. And the big chard, too, apparently does not know what to use the mass between his ears, except to squeeze Nathalia between her two arguments. "Dark hair, sexy, good figure, I'm on it." Oh no ...

Isabell lets the ghetto woman out 2.0

Isabell drives out the claws at the chard!

© MG RTL D / Press Office

While Andrej's hormones continue to fidget, Isabell is upset again. Because ? and now it comes he dances with Steffi. STOP THE PRESS! How she can have a bigger problem with it than with his movement arts in itself, is a mystery to me, but well ... The bitch fight is opened anyway. * Ding Ding Ding * Welcome to Round One:

Isabell: "I thought it said the bachelor is looking for a wife and not, the bachelor is looking for a farmer?"

Vegetables: "Wait a minute, did not you just bet on it?" (Columnist's note: That's what they call the unrestrained wiggling around with their asses!)

Isabell: I think it's too lascivious how you danced with her! "

Vegetables: "And if you shake your ass in front of TV cameras, is not that offering?"

Isabell: "Nope! In America it's even a sport!"

Hach, I live for such dialogues!

By the way:

Of course, there was also a single date (with Jenny, who? No idea ...). That was snoring boring, though. That's why I refuse to waste valuable lines for that. Only so much: The vegetables seems to have gotten but a head of Aggro-Isa, because apparently he considers himself James Bond. Like a drunken baboon, he shimmies out of a helicopter to bag Jenny. You can do it, but you definitely do not have to!

By the way, by the way:

Just in case you really care who got kicked out: Mariya, Lara, Claudia and Isabell are out of this world. The latter could have had a rose, but she refused hard. And all because the chard is not a thug ... Tze paw - the trash prominence of tomorrow is not what it once was!

Abigail Ratchford -- I Posed For Playboy, Butt ... | TMZ (July 2024).