5 signs that you are the problem in the relationship

You have stress again? Then one thing is certain: not your partner is to blame for everything, but always you too. Because relationship problems never develop in a vacuum. If a relationship is good, it is always the merit of both partners. If she runs bad, both are involved as well. That's why both of them have to work to make things better.

5 reasons why you may be the problem in the relationship? and how you can change that.

1. You are unhappy with yourself

If you are unhappy with your life and feel uncomfortable in your skin, it will inevitably have consequences for your relationship. Everything is connected; Are you annoyed or angry about your life, will that affect your relationship negatively ?, writes Seth Meyers, author of the book "Overcome Relationship Repetition Syndrome and Find the Love You Deserve."

Tip: Take care of your well-being and try to change your life to make you feel better. Also healing: Imagine now and then, as you come across with your negative nature in your loved one.

2. You are master in silence

It is extremely grueling to be thoroughly swayed after a dispute. And yes, that's why we do that because we're so angry and because we want to punish the other. Nevertheless, we should leave that. Really.

Tip: First, calm down, think about a solution for your problem and thus approach the partner. Almost everything is better than falling into a nasty silence mode.

3. You accuse him of the worst

If you're hurt, you automatically assume he wanted to hurt you. New York psychologist Laurel Steinberg recommends: "Before responding to your partner's hurtful behavior, consider his intentions." Did he intentionally violate your feelings? Mostly the answer is no, and the problem was only the result of thoughtlessness - or of a lack of knowledge of your expectations.

Tip: If he deliberately hurts you, you should think about ending the relationship. There is no room for intentional injury in a love relationship.

4. You can not admit that you are wrong

Everyone has to take responsibility for their own mistakes. "If you tend to blame others, that's a bad sign," says Seth Meyers. "Men and women who blame the other always believe that the problem is not themselves." It's always part of it two to a conflict.

Tip: Instead of focusing on who is right, you should focus on how to solve your problem and become the happy couple you once were.

5. You do not stay with the topic

You have an altercation and suddenly you list everything that has ever bothered you? has on him? Then you could be the reason why you can not solve your problems.

Tip: Even if it's difficult: Stay factual and focused! Also for selfish reasons, because your worries are certainly better received if you stay concrete and fair.

5 Signs You Cannot Handle a Relationship (April 2024).

Relationship stress, Seth Meyer, relationship problems