When the pounds make you sick

Obesity can make you sick, that's known. But that does not apply to any type of fat, as studies have found. What matters is where the upholstery sits on the body. For the "pear types", which increase more on the buttocks and thighs, the risk is lower than for the "apple types", which have a thick belly above all. Because the belly fat, which surrounds the intestines in the middle of the body, forms hormonal messengers, which influence the metabolism of the body. Therefore, if we put too much fat on the stomach, the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke increases. According to the German Institute for Nutrition Research in Potsdam-Rehbrücke, the risk of developing colon cancer also increases.

In the opinion of the experts, a body mass index (BMI) of over 25 and an abdominal circumference of 88 centimeters in women and 102 centimeters in men are critical. The BMI is calculated according to the formula: body weight in kilos by body size squared. For example, if a 1.70 meter tall woman weighs 75 pounds, her body mass index will be 75: 1,702 = 25.9. In addition, gender and age are included.

Obesity starts at a BMI of 25 or more

But: "Not all, who have a voluminous waist, are actually endangered," says Professor. Aloys Berg, Preventive Medicine at Freiburg University Hospital and Head of the M.O.B.I.L.I.S. Anti-Obesity Program. Only when hypertension and increased blood lipids and blood sugar levels are added, it's really risky. These risk factors together with the abdominal girth form the "metabolic syndrome". About 30 percent of all Germans over the age of 40 are affected. Professor Berg therefore advises all "apple types" with a BMI over 25 to have their values ​​checked. If they are okay and the body fat mass in women is not more than 30 percent (in men 20 percent) of the total weight, a new check-up after two years is enough.

All others must be active as soon as possible. Very important: to get moving. Berg recommends 10,000 steps a day as a free emergency measure against dangerous fat in the middle of the body. Even better: a half-hour cycling, swimming or walking daily plus fitness training for the targeted development of muscle mass. And change the diet: no more than 80 grams of fat daily and above all no trans fatty acids, such as those contained in deep-fried and finished products with hydrogenated fats. Because the sit down, as tests have shown, preferably on the hips.

"With this change in lifestyle," says Berg, "we also achieve lasting results in the case of severely overweight people." Even the new anti-obesity drug Rimonabant does not come along. The treatment actually makes you leaner. But who changes nothing in his diet, easily goes back into the width, as soon as the funds are discontinued.

That helps with weight loss

The sports medicine M.O.B.I.L.I.S. training program (Duration: eleven months) for people with a BMI over 30 is offered nationwide at around 70 locations. Participation fee: 685 Euro. Some health insurances participate on request at the costs (clarify before!). Insured Barmer Ersatzkasse for example, only need to pay 100 euros own contribution. Contact: M.O.B.I.L.I.S.-Zentrale, Tel. 07 61/50 39 10 www.mobilis-programm.de.

For slightly overweight (BMI 25 to 30) there are recently in sports clubs the three-month exercise and nutrition program M.O.B.I.L.I.S. light. Course fee: 120 euros. Information and locations at www.mobilis-light.de

To read more: Andreas Berg: "Make yourself slim! M.O.B.I.L.I.S. light", Gräfe und Unzer Verlag 2007, 16,90 Euro Dr. med. Dagmar Hauner and Professor Hans Hauner: "Overweight - finally losing weight", Trias Verlag 2006, 17.95 euros

Information about Metabolic syndrome under www.stiftung-rufzeichen-gesundheit.de

How a Woman Lost Over 200 Pounds (May 2024).

Overweight, BMI, body mass index, waist, weight, health, nutrition