Is gluten to blame for my stomach ache?

Ten years ago, these were still isolated cases. Today, more and more people banish wheat and rye from the kitchen. You suspect that the gluten contained in it could cause indigestion. So they refrain from breakfast rolls, pasta and cookies and grab in the supermarket specifically to packaged sausage and bags of frozen chips with the label "free of gluten". Is that really necessary? Is food actually better tolerated without the "gluten protein"?

Gluten waiver is now considered a beauty remedy

Gluten is a protein. It is in cereals used for baking, such as wheat, rye, spelled, barley and greens. Old varieties such as Einkorn or Kamut also contain gluten, albeit less than the modern baking cereals. The "gluten-whitening" makes the dough loose and elastic. But it also binds water, serves as a thickener and as a carrier for flavors. Therefore, it can be found in almost all processed products such as ready meals, crisps, sausages and delicatessen salads, except in bread, pies and pizzas.

People who do not tolerate gluten have always existed. But in recent times, the numbers of those who do without the adhesive whitening, have skyrocketed. But not everyone who eats gluten-free actually has to. "This is a fad." There is a hype in Anglo-Saxon countries that lacks any scientific foundation, "says Dr. Reiner Ullrich, scientist at the medical clinic for gastroenterology in the Berlin Charité.

Forerunners of the wheat protein hysteria were stars like Lady Gaga or Gwyneth Paltrow. Gluten-free diet should make you lean and beautify the skin. "A first effect can not be ruled out," says Reiner Ullrich. "Switching to a gluten-free diet often means eating a healthier diet: more fruit, vegetables, and unprocessed foods, not fast food, but a diet for weight loss is not gluten-free diet."

Glue is not bad in itself

The fact is: gluing white is not bad in itself, even if many think so. For healthy it is completely unproblematic. There is no reason for them to give it up completely. It is different with people who can not tolerate gluten. One cause for this is celiac disease. In this disease, the mucous membrane in the small intestine is hypersensitive to gluten and is therefore chronically inflamed. This can lead to indigestion, fatigue and lack of nutrients. However, as experts know, only ten to twenty percent of all sufferers have clear symptoms. If suspected celiac-typical antibodies can be found in the blood, a biopsy shows the altered intestinal mucosa.

Gluten-free should also be avoided by anyone who is very sensitive to gluten. This "glutensensitivity" causes similar symptoms as celiac disease, but is not yet recognized as an independent disease. It could play a role in irritable bowel syndrome. "According to our study results, about 20 percent of irritable bowel patients could be sensitive to gluten," says Reiner Ullrich. When these people, who often struggle with indigestion, such as diarrhea, flatulence, or bloating for decades, refrain from eating cereals, their symptoms often disappear completely. Unlike celiac disease, however, so far there is no test to determine a gluten sensitivity. "That's what we're researching," says Reiner Ullrich. "Until then, she can only be diagnosed by an exclusion diet."

The number of those who can not tolerate gluten is increasing

It is already clear that the number of people who can not tolerate gluten is actually increasing worldwide. The number of celiac disease patients alone has increased tenfold over the past 15 years. This is due to the improved diagnostic capabilities, but experts have other explanations. "Various studies show that in areas where the hygienic conditions are improving, autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease are increasing," says Dr. Stephanie Baas, medical adviser to the German Celiac Society e.V.

In addition, the diet today contains significantly more gluten than it did 50 years ago - on the one hand, because more and highly processed cereal products are eaten, on the other hand, because more gluten protein has been bred into modern cereals. In addition, another grain protein, which protects the plant from pests, harm the gut, which was recently demonstrated by Professor Detlef Schuppan at the University of Mainz."It increases inflammatory activity in the gut and seems to trigger gluten sensitivity in some people," says Stephanie Baas. Schuppan's research also showed that today's bread cereals contain significantly more of these proteins than the earlier ones.

Alternatives are corn, millet and quinoa

Anyone who occasionally suffers from indigestion, should not immediately switch completely to a gluten-free diet. "Before that you should always check if there is celiac disease," says Stephanie Baas. This can only be diagnosed while bread, cereals or pasta are eaten. In case of suspicion, it is therefore essential to consult a doctor who can perform appropriate tests. If celiac disease is actually diagnosed, gluten must be strictly avoided throughout life.

An alternative are cereals such as corn, rice, millet, amaranth, buckwheat and quinoa, natural dairy products without additives and special gluten-free foods. The symptoms then disappear quickly, the intestinal mucosa regenerates, and the risk of complications such as diabetes and colon cancer is reduced. If no celiac disease can be detected, increased sensitivity to gluten may be the cause of persistent indigestion. Then it is also worthwhile to do without the adhesive whitening. After three months, sufferers usually feel much better. Then they can try out, if they do not like a slice of bread a day or half a piece of cake. As long as their bowels do not rebel, that can not hurt them.

Read on

  • "Celiac Disease: The Successful Treatment Concept for Gluten Intolerance" of the DZG (128 p., Gräfe und Unzer)
  • "Celiac Disease - Simply Switch to Gluten Free" by Andrea Hiller (108 p., Trias)
  • "Gluten-free enjoyment" by Trudel Marquardt (128 p., Graße and Unzer)

Why does my stomach hurt when I eat bread ? | Top and Best Health Channel (May 2024).

Gluten, Abdominal pain, Nutrition, Noodles, Toast, Indigestion, Charité, Lady Gaga, Gwyneth Paltrow, Foods, Fast foods, Gluten-free prescriptions, Celiac disease, Indigestion, Gluten intolerance, Abdominal pain, Gluten