So you finally get the kilos away

Healthy weight loss and then not increase again: This is the goal of all those who want to part with excess pounds. But what does "losing weight" mean? And what's the best way to do that? Are fast days okay in between? Or will you get fatter? Are protein shakes healthy? What to do by fruit and rice days? And does not constant dieting make you really fat?

Healthy weight loss with diet? is not that contradictory?

No, if it's a diet that's really a diet change that delivers at least 1200 kilocalories a day and offers varied recipes? like the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet. But you can also lose weight on your own and with your own recipes, by focusing on a low energy density. And by not eating too much a day, to be precise: only three times. This leaves enough time between meals in which the organism can burn fat. And that's important. For more on the hourly formula, read The Most Important About the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Rules.

How many pounds of weight loss per week are healthy?

It is generally said: one to two pounds a week. But in the end this is individually different, also depends on the initial weight. If you are very overweight, you lose the first kilos quite fast, that can sometimes be two kilos per week. Anyone who is on the limit of normal weight to slight overweight and now and again wants a small course correction should not exaggerate anything: at most one pound less per week. Because the metabolism must slowly be convinced to settle on a lower weight level. In addition, men lose weight more easily than women. Highly obese people (BMI> 30) who are all about health alone are advised by doctors to lose 5 percent of their weight. Already with this, blood pressure and blood fat and blood glucose levels improve significantly.

Can you lose weight with fruit or rice days?

About a fruit day, especially the vitamin memory. Also, fruit contains very healthy phytochemicals, such as dyes or beta-carotene. It is not ideal for losing weight. Depending on the sugar content, fruit is not exactly low in calories. In addition, the sugar has the effect that the blood sugar level after fruit consumption likes roller coaster - first up, then down. The result: you get hungry again quickly and eat the next fruit, which sets the blood sugar roller coaster going again. However, fruit also contains fibers that can slow down this effect. It is best to eat berry fruits or citrus fruits, which are less sweet than exotic fruits such as banana, pineapple, guava, persimmon or mango. Even seasonal fruit such as drupes (cherries, mirabelles, peaches) is relatively sweet. Rice contains even more carbohydrates than fruits and barely fiber. As a mineral, only magnesium is worth mentioning, of vitamins, however, no trace. Generally, such a reduced and one-sided diet in the short term does not pose a health problem. But one day should be enough.

Are fast days in between a good idea?

Absolutely. Proven has the so-called intermittent fasting. You interrupt your meal rhythm by not eating for several hours at a time. It makes sense to use a fasting period of 16 hours, which you can lay overnight, for example. The metabolism can calmly burn fat during this time. If you do not overdo it with food then you can safely lose weight with this method - while doing something for your health. Studies show that blood pressure and blood lipid levels are improving

Is a recurrent yo-yo effect dangerous?

He does not harm health, has shown a study at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. The study required women between the ages of 30 and 40 years to diet. Six months later it became apparent that some of the women could not avoid the yo-yo effect and started to gain weight again. This may be annoying, but the scientists gave the all-clear for health: The increased fat was now on the legs and arms, even if it was concentrated on the stomach before the diet. Fat is harmless to the extremities, belly fat, however, endangers the heart and circulation.

How can you avoid the yo-yo effect?

By leaving the fingers of one-sided or extreme diets and moving sufficiently. Those who do not eat enough, or starve for days, regulate their basal metabolism and end up with less and less food. After the acceptance phase, the body craves calories and stores them very well. We're picking up again - the yo-yo effect. In order to counteract it is best to get the metabolism going with endurance exercise and to build metabolic muscles with strength training. But above all: Do not over-conserve calories and always eat enough. It helps to pay attention to the energy density of food and food.

Do you really have to do sports if you want to lose weight healthy?

Losing weight is easier and works better with sports. Therefore, every serious weight loss program, such as the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet, recommends endurance sports. If you do not like the partout, you should instead become more active in your everyday life, do a lot of walking, take long walks. Of course this does not only apply to the phase of the diet, but even more so. Once you have become accustomed to regular jogging, walking or fitness training, you will stay leaner even after the diet. Exercise has two major benefits: it consumes calories and it maintains muscle.

Are protein shakes okay as a meal replacement?

Yes, as long as they are specifically designed for weight loss. On the package is then "formula diet" or "reduction diet". These products are subject to the diet regulation. They can be up to half protein (good satiety) and should replace whole meals - so lunch or dinner. That is why it is precisely regulated how much the main nutrients have and how much vitamins and minerals must be present in the stirred drink. Such a diet shake usually has a maximum of 400 kilocalories, a lunch or dinner about 600 kilocalories. Replacing a meal with a weight-loss drink will save you about 200 kilocalories. These drinks are recommended as a satisfying lunch, for example, if you are invited to an opulent dinner in the evening.

Does losing weight work when you are under stress?

This is actually difficult because stress hormones make sure that fat is stored. And that we are constantly eating something to vent off. And those who want to lose weight after bending and breaking are in additional stress and run the risk of failing. It is helpful to first take stress-reducing measures. Sport is a tried and tested remedy, but also meditation, yoga, mindfulness exercises. Maybe the first pounds will disappear, because you learn to relax instead of constantly nibbling. More about: Tips against the daily insanity, Why stress makes you fatigued, Weight loss through mindfulness, Yoga against stress, Running away from stress, Meditation for beginners.

Is not getting fatter from frequent diets?

That this is so, is often claimed. Behind this is the thesis that the basal metabolic rate, that is, the amount of calories we consume in complete tranquility, will be driven down more and more as we go on diet after diet. And one day we will start with a low calorie intake. But that's not true. In studies, some volunteers measured 100 kilocalories by which the basal metabolic rate had decreased during weight loss. But experts think that this is relatively little. Whether the basal metabolic rate after losing weight remains at the lower level, is still completely unclear. What you know: Even if he stays there, that does not mean that you will inevitably increase again. Who gets fatter after each diet, in all probability also consumes too many calories and moves too little.

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Healthy Weight Loss, Diet, Jojo Effect, Fasting