Halloween: With these films, the hackles celebrate a standing party

The friends are already invited for a humorous DVD night for the festival of the horror and their hair on the neck should give the best standing ovation? Finding the perfect movie in the mire of gruesome B-movies and scary sleeping pills is not always easy. But with the following shockers, Halloween Night will not be a snore party - I promise!

fresh meat

Even the horror genre does not sleep. Although it is becoming increasingly difficult to find innovative ways and means of shocking the public, it is not impossible, as these stripes prove. There's the movie "It Follows," for example, in which a strangers' power, in a nerve-wracking slow way, hunts down sexually active teens - the ultimate sexual disease, if you will. After the film, one thinks smoothly of celibacy - but at least one finds himself in it, to see passers-by with different eyes.

Worldly terror awaits the horror fans in "Do not Breath". In it, three young people break into the house of a blind war veteran to separate him from his possessions. But it turns out to be surprisingly resilient - and terrifyingly bloodthirsty. The latest movie, which will not only give you a sleepless night, is "Hereditary". Although the film with Toni Collette has a leisurely start, what the film fires in its last half hour is pure nightmare material.

Classic for all deaths

There are a handful of horror movies that are so infamous that even genre scoffers know them, at least by name. If you want to prove your courage in front of the screen on Halloween, for example, you could close a few gaps in education in a washing up. How about, for example, "The Exorcist", a film that caused a stir at the time of its creation (1973) - and won two Oscars for it? Even today, the strip of William Friedkin has lost none of its disgusting fascination.

Speaking of disgust: If you do not mind having any more appetite for the rest of the day - also a way to resist the sweets - should incorporate David Cronenberg's bodyhorror festival "The Fly". The film starring Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis blends stark horror with a repulsive mutation and, believe it or not, a tragic love story in which the "monster" is plainly sorry. And also Oscar-winning ("Best Make-up").

If you prefer to watch a modern classic, you should treat yourself again to the "Scream" series. In the best Slasher manner, one teenie after another is mocked - as creative as possible and of course as bloody as possible. Anyone who can not get enough of zombies in the days of "Walking Dead", on the other hand, is spoiled for choice. Better look at the original films by George Romero (for example, "Dawn of the Dead" from 1978), or instead the also very successful remake from 2004 with the same name, but much nastier monster cannibals.


There are horror movies. There are movies that play on Halloween - and there's "Halloween - The Night of Horror" by John Carpenter. Of course, the cult shocker from 1978 may not be missing. The movie is almost the "Dinner For One" for Halloween fans! Instead of the countless sequels or reboots fans of the original but rather go into the brand new movie, which runs since 25 October in German cinemas. Although this is not perfect, but skilfully captures the atmosphere of the original.

But there are also other interesting stripes that have chosen Halloween as the setting. The humorous horror film "Trick 'r Treat", for example, which shocks in several episodic stories around the pumpkin festival. Even the fantasy film "Hocus Pocus" wears on Halloween night and lets Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker haunt her brooms as evil witches. The best: "Hocus Pocus" can be easily seen with brave new generation monsters, FSK 12 makes it possible. And finally, an outsider proposal: Even "Donnie Darko" with Jake Gyllenhaal plays on Halloween and has produced perhaps the scariest bunny costume ever ...

Humor is when you laugh anyway

It does not always have to go to Halloween. If you do not want to give up horror, but still want to strain the laugh muscles, scary comedies offer in all levels of slapstick. The most serious undertone of our proposals would have to offer the Oscar film "Get Out", which succeeds in addition to horror and humor even skillfully social criticism of the US and latent racism to practice. But also "Cabin In The Woods" has a lot to offer. In a charming way, the most common horror film clichés are perverted and turned upside down.

The same applies to the movie "Shaun Of The Dead", with which Simon Pegg celebrated his breakthrough on the big screen and has even made it into the "Star Wars", "Star Trek" and "Mission: Impossible" Universe. A significantly different level (almost none) offers the "Scary Movie" series, which mixes the most famous horror strips to a silly Kalauerfest. Especially in sociable and sometimes beer round the right thing!

Talking Tom and Friends - Angela’s Heckler (Season 1 Episode 20) (May 2024).

Halloween, Sweetie, Toni Collette, Halloween, The Fly, Hereditary - The Legacy, Shocker, Scream, The Exorcist