What should the stones in my water?

The other day I wanted to pour a glass of water from the carafe in the absolute 08/15 espresso booth. Unfortunately, I had not seen that there were two "healing stones" on the ground in the carafe. The owner had packed in there. The glass of water unfortunately turned into a pile of shards, the precious crystals zerdepperten me. What was previously only reserved for the esoteric department has long since made its way into the mainstream. Crystals are the new gluten intolerance. In the yoga class, you might even expect blue-shimmering semiprecious stones in the water. But in the mean coffee shop? On the other hand, where Sojalatte is not far away, there is also space for everyday esotericism.

But what should the stone actually do in the water? Here comes the answer, believe it or not: the common gemstone is rose quartz, amethyst and rock crystal. All three are collectively referred to by experts as a "basic mix". They should charge the water "energetically". But before that, the stones have to be recharged. Best in sun or moonlight. No joke. This energy is then absorbed by the water as a carrier and reaches the body through drinking. That's the explanation among crystal professionals.

In the past, most people were embarrassed by such theories. This is ending now. At least since Hollywood has recognized the trend for itself. Even as hard-hitting designer and business woman Victoria Beckham recently said in an interview with British Vogue, she always carries a crystal with him. Who wants it professional, buys from the online retailer? G for Gems? either the stone corresponding to the date of birth or according to the current need. There are stones for happiness, love and sexuality, satisfaction and an increase in self-esteem.

Stones to eat and for all sorts of life there are the hip shop "Moon Juice" in Los Angeles. Already two stores, one in Venice and one on Melrose Place, have successfully opened Amanda Chandler. Their Pülverchen "Sex Dust" or "Moon Dust" sell apparently excellent.

Incidentally, the owner of the coffee shop had just one comment on the mishap with the glass: "Never mind, but you should work on your karma."

How to know when to water the Living stones (May 2024).