Veronica Ferres in "The State Affair" - must it be?

Dear Sat1 editors,

You have to explain something to me: For days, I am told by posters, advertisements and commercials that you show a crazy funny TV movie: "The State Affair". Is the content as funny as you want us to believe?

Veronica Ferres (chick) is Chancellor (prust) and has sex with the French President (BWAHAHAHA!) ... totally crazy, right? Of course, there are also serious moments: In the trailer, Veronika singer with a lot of beaver in her voice says things like "I love this job and I love it!" and, dramatically, must choose between duty and passion. Sounds like top entertainment, right?

Strangely enough, the reactions to the "Staatsaffären" posters in my area were pretty much the same as those of ChroniquesDuVasteMonde columnist Julia Karnick:

Post by Julia Karnick.

Dear Sat1-Redaktion: Are you surprised? Probably not, right? I'm pretty sure: After the script pitch "We make the same movie as always, only this time it's about the FEDERAL CHANCELLOR" you've looked at each other slightly ashamed, briefly shrugged and on the scuffed "Ferres" button pressed on the casting phone.

But a movie that is really fun? Was never intended. Take a look at the trailer for your masterpiece:

So. This is your figurehead, the top joke that is supposed to make us taste the movie. This is not a gag, this is a gag-placeholder, a punch-line simulator, a subliminal promise: "Look, it almost feels like something to laugh about! Stay tuned, someday there will be something real Funny! "

But you do not care if we actually laugh, the main thing is that we stay in front of the television long enough not to miss the next block of commercials.

"Wait!", I hear you shouting as you wake up for a second from your lethargy, "that's just a light comedy, typical journalist, always everything must be demanding." But that's the problem: I like romantic comedies. I like light entertainment that is fun and nothing else. But on this point, you have completely failed with the "state affair" and your other "TV events": even shallow entertainment must have a spark of inspiration and should not be pulled over and be ridiculous from start to finish. Simply scrape together the remains of "The Superweib", "La Boum" and a series "Tagesschau" is unfortunately not enough.

But I'm not telling you anything new. I just hope, dear TV-editors, that the complaints of the audience will eventually get on your nerves too much. That you look, what our neighboring countries produce for great series (politics on TV, which "only" should entertain? Look here!), And that you listen when someone from your own industry with a fist on the table skin.

After all, at least one fan is really looking forward to the broadcast of the "Staatsaffäre":

Poster hanging everywhere ... # DIETAATSAFFÄRE !! On Tuesday at 20:15 the time has come !!!

? Veronica Ferres (@VeronicaFerres) August 28, 2014

Casanova Variations (June 2024).

Veronica Ferres, SAT.1, Veronica Ferres, TV, Sat1, Chancellor, State Affair, Comedy