Is Meghan pregnant? With that her mother is heating up the baby rumors!

Meghan and Harry float on cloud nine, yet it may not always be easy for the new duchess to have her family living so far away. Especially her mother Doria Ragland was always an important support for her. A few months after the royal dream wedding, the joy should have been so great when the 62-year-old - quietly and secretly - allegedly traveled to England again to be with her daughter. The high visit of the American kinship but should have had other reasons ...

Recently, there is speculation wildly about whether Harry and Meghan expect offspring. Wide dresses, which the Duchess wore on her last appointments, fueled the rumors in addition. So, did her mother travel to London to help her daughter in the first critical stage of pregnancy? After all, the American was, according to 'Daily Star' shortly before seen in Los Angeles while attending a nanny school. It is quite possible that Doria is already fully prepared for the royal offspring.

The dramas of the past weeks continue to weld mother and daughter together

Whether Meghan will soon burst the baby bomb, will show. Another reason for the visit of her mother could be the headlines of the past few months. After Meghan's father had to cancel his participation in the royal wedding for health reasons at short notice, he railed in numerous interviews again and again against the British royal family, it even once compared with the sect Scientology. No wonder, then, that the relationship between the 37-year-old and Thomas Markle has been more than tense ever since.

Is Doria planning to move to London?

Either way ? Doria's spontaneous visit to the British capital should have meant a lot to Meghan. Several media even rumor that the 62-year-old is planning a permanent move to England. Allegedly, Doria Ragland has already given up her job as a social worker in order to concentrate fully on the move. A security guard and housing on Kensington Palace grounds would also await the arrival of the Duchess Mother. So it remains exciting ...

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Prince Harry's heartbreaking Meghan dilemma revealed: Baby Archie was ''hospitalized'' for cancer (June 2024).

Meghan Markle, Doria Ragland, England