Laura Chaplin on important salmon mission

Her grandfather has given Laura Chaplin a life wisdom: "Every day you do not laugh is a lost day." Laura's grandfather was not anyone but the famous actor and tragic-funny comedian Charlie Chaplin. Laughter has always had a special meaning in the family, even over generations. Now the granddaughter of Chaplin has written a book that deals exclusively with the topic of laughter.

Laura Chaplin works as a model, TV presenter and painter. At the "Triumph Inspires Dinner" of the lingerie manufacturer Triumph, she presented her theses on laughter just as a host and keynote speaker. How did the idea for the book come about? "I had just built a house in Switzerland and dealt with all the usual building problems and minor annoyances, then I went to Colombia to work there for my Foundation for Children in Need" moi pour toi "when I got there "I suddenly felt ashamed, I was in a bad mood because of nothingness like a doorknob, and I saw children there who have existential problems and never lose their good mood," says Chaplin. "Laughter is a matter of course for these people in their everyday lives, teachers encourage the children to laugh loudly in the classroom."

Where does the laugh come from?

Laura Chaplin went in search of clues: where does the laughter come from? What does it matter with us? Why is laughter so important to us humans? What share of personal happiness does it have? In her research she comes across philosophical, scientific, bizarre and heartbreaking. She talks to doctors, psychologists and scientists, but also to people who have made laughter their life's content.

She was particularly impressed by the work of the so-called "hospital clowns", who cheer up patients in hospitals in the USA. "They make people who really feel bad laugh." Patients feel better immediately, without medication and their side effects.

Political dimension

Laughter is not just about whether someone knows a good joke. Chaplin points to the political dimension of the topic. "When people laugh, they can not wage wars against each other." Laughter is not a matter of course. In Turkey, it has only recently been attempted to ban women from laughing in public places. "In the end, I want the United Nations to recognize laughter as a human right," she says. Until then it is still a long way. But everyone can start with themselves to make the world a bit more smiling.

Your very own tip to start your day: "Smile strangers, it always helps me, even when I'm in a bad mood, 98% of the time I get a smile back and that makes the day more beautiful Positive with a stranger, but of course you have to overcome yourself. " And chocolate helps. Not only with Laura Chaplin.

The book by Laura Chaplin: "Laughter is the first step to happiness" will be released on April 18th.

Toronto and East York Community Council - July 4, 2018 - Part 2 of 2 (May 2024).

Laura, Charlie Chaplin, Switzerland, Colombia, UN