Lovesick: your best strategies

Challenging grief: Nearly 1000 readers responded in the past few weeks to our question in the lovesick special, which is their strategy against love frenzy. Oral consolation is at the top of the list: our readers are particularly eager to fight their pain with sweets. It takes - what wonders - chocolate the lonely top spot. Many readers also like to console themselves with large (chocolate) ice battles, some with red wine, few with gummy bears or chips. The exchange with girlfriends is still high on the list: first crying out, then blaspheming about the ex in particular and men in general - who do not really deserve one ... Also shopping, taking a hot bath, doing sports and enjoying themselves in all Falling off, in short: pampering and distracting are very popular strategies to forget the ex.

Here are the most beautiful, original and funniest strategies against the heartache - to the smirk and if necessary also for copying warmly recommended by us.

Revenge is green

I forge "revenge plans", e.g. I sprinkle cress seeds in his living room and water them. After a few hours his living room has turned into a green oasis ...

Kathrin, Dülmen

Use peppermint to fight the prince

Drink tea with my friends, but the tea is a little spiced up ... Mint tea with Malibu (recommended). And then, depending on the mood, we tell each other our best love stories (to find that we've met really great men in life), or we tell each other the worst stories (then we know we're better off without men ... are all nuts ...). The next day we have a hangover and know if "He" is worth fighting for, or if we're going to send him to the desert for good (to the others ...). If the latter occurs, then there are tea and revenge plans again in the evening (but rarely or never be executed) ... or wine (and revenge plans) and face masks and Negerküsse and popcorn and loud to be heard hits and jokes by Heinz Erhardt ... until it If you get well and realize, lovesickness is really nice when shared with friends!

Elisabeth, Groningen

Wait, eat spaghetti

I fall into self-pity. All the advice from others does not work. My sister always says: Only a huge plate of spaghetti will help. Apart from waiting I know no solution.

Melanie, Wildeshausen

Cleaning help

I brush and then get really angry. When I get angry, I can handle the pain better for myself.

Astrid, Hilden

Old love does not rust

I can still remember my last big lovesickness. At that time I thought the world was sinking. After a few days (or were it weeks, I do not remember), I caught myself and went to the hairdresser and have my hair dyed blond, then bought completely new furniture (which was already planned before) and then have equipped my wardrobe with all new outfits. But I did not feel really well for a long time. The best happened over ten years later: I met my ex, and he fell in love with me again! But I'm not into him, he should have thought of that sooner. But it did me good.

Uschi, Adelsried

To look at yourself from the outside

I imagine how attractive I would feel if I saw myself on the street, in the office, etc. I try to hold onto this idea and act on it ... (good for the ego)

Wiebke, Bonn

High out

Climb up a high mountain and with each step leave the last man behind me, look into the world on the summit and then approach the next man. 1500 to 2000 meters difference in height make even the most terrible heartache the end.

Heike, Neuwied

The step model

Level 1: Call a Girlfriend, Order Her to Me and Wring Out Level 2: Be angry, think up familiar and new bad words for him and slowly realize that he does not deserve me. Level 3: Self-pity - howl a little, think about what I am Finding me wrong, consider myself the only single in the world Level 4: Realizing that I'm unique, shopping and exploring the bars and pubs with my girlfriends in the newest look.

Britta, Delbrück

wish and reality

My exemplary answer (that's how I would like it): to work a lot, go out a lot, meet friends, do sports and plan all free time. The truth: I'm starting to smoke again, empty a few bottles of sparkling wine with my best friend, before I go to a couch potato phase - but that goes by ;-)

Michaela, Haltern am See

Daddy understands me

If I have heartache then I call my father.We sit down together in the garden, drink a bottle of red wine and discuss the relationship between men and women. My dad is a wonderful listener and comforter.

Kati, Ehrenkirchen

Pudding, dog and sleep

Really nice old-fashioned cooked chocolate pudding while still warm sitting straight out of the pot in bed and weeping cry. My little star (Hundi) gleefully and fall asleep my grief plaintively. Wake up and call and moan all the friends. Then my Stehaufmännchen optimism is in me and shouts loudly: We will not let us down! Life is beautiful and full of wonder! Eyes on and looked to the sun!

Regine, Lübeck

Travel spontaneously into the distance

My last heartache was in mid-May when I drove to the airport and booked last minute for a week in Malta and was in the sun the next morning. Have done a lot, e.g. Visited various sights, met nice people, which I count among my friends today. Well, the journey was the best medicine for me!

Jana, Cologne

Suffering and writing

Suffering, crying, love movies watching until 2 o'clock in the morning - the more cheesy, the more painful. And write bad, fierce, grim and, of course, highly philosophical letters for a long time. And never send.

Sybille, Frankfurt

Watching bickering couples

In furniture stores / go to Ikea, watching quarreling couples and rejoice that you do not have to burden yourself with something and can decide alone.

Anja, Hamburg

farewell note

I'm making a farewell ceremony, where I say goodbye to all the beautiful, all sad moments and shared dreams and visions. I write everything on paper. Read it aloud and then burn it. After that I feel freer.

Jutta, Deutschlandsberg

Change is the key

Go jogging at night. Paint the wall in pink. Buy new underpants. Sort out old ones.

Friederike, Brunswick

Perspective change

I drive to Belgium to the North Sea, climb on my favorite dune, and there I let the sun shine on my stomach. With a view of the open sea, grief suddenly becomes insignificant.

Jessica, Moers

Chips in the rain

Put me in the rain with a bag of chips and my sweetheart's photo and howl.

Ralf, Bornheim

Laughing at men

I watch films in which men behave totally idiotic or in which men are like me. Then I have something to laugh about, and I feel better.

Susanne, Kirchheim


Listening to the Lassies was a good tip. But I recommend the text line: "Love is only a partial aspect of life". So go out, concerts, loud music and dance.

Annett, Hamburg

Do not even have heartache

I met my husband on February 7, 1981 at the age of 17. On 27.08.1982 we got married and have three daughters aged 20, 16 and 5 years. I've never been alone and therefore do not know what lovesickness is.

Madeleine, Berlin

Go Fighting Strategies #3 (July 2024).

Lovesickness, Heinz Erhardt, Groningen