Hangover? 5 mistakes you should avoid now!

Anyone who has ever had a hangover knows how difficult and tedious he is to get rid of. Since you are trying with all your strength all the tricks and tips to put an end to the misery.

Unfortunately, we make one mistake after another: We grab coffee, aspirin, cigarettes and possibly even try to get something between our teeth as quickly and effortlessly as possible - and grab candies (they do not have to be prepared or reheated!). ).

However, we are subject with this all-cat hangover behavior one mistake after another! Here are the five biggest hangover mistakes that (almost) every one of us makes over and over again:

1. Hangover Error: Take aspirin!

Headache and body aches, nausea, dizziness: Anyone who has looked too deeply into the glass the previous evening feels like his last hour had struck. The only way out, it seems to us, is the little white wonder drug from the pharmacy: aspirin!

Unfortunately, there is hardly anything worse than just dealing with this analgesic against the hangover. According to molecular biologists, it even inhibits the breakdown of alcohol in the body, thus aggravating the hangover, instead of curing it. The reason for this sounds quite obvious: alcohol and painkillers get into our bloodstream and are broken down by our body in the same way. For example, if you swallow aspirin, your body will stop drinking alcohol and treat the analgesic.

To top it all off, we use the alcohol-painkiller combination and our liver twice and three times. Conclusion: Aspirin in hangover is not worth it!

2. Hangover Error: First of all coffee!

If we somehow manage to leave the bed with a throbbing head, it usually leads us into the kitchen first: A strong coffee must come from here! Caffeine is the solution of solutions, the holy grail of revival, the first step towards disillusionment!

But stop! Everything just a mistake! Coffee does not sober!

Yes, the shock is deep when you hear it for the first time. But it's the bitter truth: coffee does not accelerate the loss of alcohol in the least! Although he brings our cycle maybe something on trot - more creates the brown elixir of life but unfortunately not.

3. Hangover Error: Sweat out alcohol!

"Sweat out the alcohol," is often a well-intentioned advice to Verkaterte. Anyone who has ever followed (on my part a respectful "Chapeau!" At this point) has probably noticed: Can you do, but you can also be.

Because the (good for all sports muffle) message is: With a booming head you have to Not do sports - certainly not with the aim of auszuschwitzen the residual alcohol! The simple reason: the alcohol is hiding in our blood? not in our sweat glands. Accordingly, he does not simply "sweat out" as the myth says. Then you can save the hangover sports right away - and rather in the fresh one or the other day later go round a round ...

4. Hangover Error: Cigarette to wake up!

Some can no longer see cigarettes after a night of drinking, the others speak of a kind of counter cigarette, which makes the cat milder. What is true and what is mischief?

The smokers have to be very strong now: the cigarette afterwards (we still talk about the night gone by ...) does not help against the hangover!

Although it may be that you wake up after the first smoldering feels - but that is not to be trusted. An actual cure for the hangover is not nicotine? as well as, he is a harmful drug like the alcohol itself, too. So it happens that even a cigarette can make the cat worse instead of improving it. After all, does the body have to go now? similar to the pain medication? to break down another poison in the body.

5. Cat Error: Sweet Munch!

Anyone who already has difficulty putting one foot in front of the other without running against the door rarely feels like positioning themselves in the kitchen to cook a nutritious, well-balanced meal? comprehensibly. However, those who come across sweets in search of ready meals should practice restraint. Not because of the dizzying amount of empty calories in it, but because of the sugar.

The strengthens namely the alcohol effect? the cat can get even worse than he already is. Secretly we already know that this realization is true: Anyone who has ever sipped sweet cocktails may have realized that the alcohol "bangs" much faster than with low-sugar alcoholic drinks.

To cheer up but added: Sinful on a cat day but still good and happy. If you can not control your appetite for french-red, roast chicken, burgers or pizza fries you can give it free rein: it's just the cry of our bodies for lost salts. On Coke, Fanta and Sprite you should of course do without because of the high sugar content. It is still better and for all time liters of still water. Bottom up!

Video tip: Barbara Schöneberger about the cat

Tour De France Hangover? 5 Ways To Get Over Your Post-Tour Blues | GCN Show Ep. 342 (July 2024).

Hangover, alcohol, cigarette, analgesics, candy consumption, coffee