Emma Watson: "Feminism has become synonymous with men's hatred"

Actress, style icon, literary scholar and, more recently, UN ambassador for women's rights: Emma Watson, just 24 years old, already has an incredible career behind her. And if we look at her determined, smart face, then we are convinced: this woman will take it much further.

At the weekend, the young Briton, known for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter films, made her first big appearance at United Nations Headquarters in New York. It was about the new UN campaign "HeForShe", which aims to promote gender equality in the world. Emma Watson, UN Special Ambassador since July, should give the go-ahead.

She was a bit nervous, she openly admitted in her speech, asking even the question that might interest many listeners: "Why this Harry Potter girl? What's she doing at the UN?" She made clear what women's rights meant to her: "All I know is that this problem is very important to me and that I want to do it better."

Emma Watson also spoke about the image of feminism that she believes has suffered in recent years. "The more I talk about feminism, the more I realize that the fight for women's rights has become synonymous with male hatred." Feminists are often perceived as too strong, too aggressive, unattractive and men-hating. "That has to stop."

"Men, gender equality is your business too."

Emma Watson then went directly to the men who were asked by the UN campaign "HeForShe" to solidarize with the women.

"Men, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you, because gender equality is also your business." It is said too rarely that men are also prisoners of gender stereotypes. Her own father has never been recognized as a parent to her mother. And still it is very hard for men to show weakness and seek help when they feel bad. "In fact, suicide is the No. 1 cause of death for men between the ages of 20 and 49 in the UK," Watson said. Even men would have to be freed from stereotypes, then automatically the situation of women would improve.

"No country in the world can claim to have achieved gender equality," Watson told her audience. But it's worth it to fight for it. "Because then we can all live more freely and that's what 'HeForShe' is all about: freedom."

When Emma Watson finished her speech, the audience in New York jumped from their seats and thanked her with a long round of applause. Obviously, the United Nations has found exactly the right woman - and Emma Watson her best role so far.

USA: Watch Emma Watson blast "man-hating feminism" (June 2024).

Emma Watson, UN, Feminism, Equality, New York, Harry Potter, Women's Rights, Emma Watson, Feminism, UN, United Nations, Harry Potter, Equal Rights, Women's Rights