Tomi Ungerer: illustrator and draftsman who died at the age of 87

Tomi Ungerer is dead. Several French media report that. Born in Strasbourg in 1931, the graphic designer and illustrator turned 87. Among other things, the daily "L'Alsace" reports that Ungerer died in the night of 8 to 9 February in Cork, Ireland, in his daughter's house.

Ungerer had lived in Strasbourg and Cork with his wife and daughter since the mid-1970s. He was especially known for his illustrations in children's and adult picture books, including works like The Three Robbers and No Kiss for Mom.

During his work Ungerer was considered numerous prizes. Thus, the draftsman was appointed, among other things, the commander of the Legion of Honor and awarded the German Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class.

pochoir street art, Tomi Ungerer by Cendrillon (June 2024).

Cork, Strasbourg, Dying, Tomi Ungerer, Draftsman, Illustrator, Death