"Who will be a millionaire?" ? Marriage proposal by telephone joker

That's never been: "Who will be a millionaire?" - Candidate Benjamin Lange (27) made his girlfriend Svenja Schorling on Monday evening in the RTL broadcast by phone a wedding proposal, after he had previously solved with the help of her brother's 64,000-euro question ,

"Do not rip me off!"

On his "Svenja, I love you, do you want to marry me?", The blonde responded while a little less romantic with "Do not mess me." But then Moderator Günther Jauch (62) rushed to help the young man and confirmed his affectionate request. "This is the first marriage proposal in the history of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?'", He explained almost touched.

In the following show "Extra - Das RTL Magazin" the fiancée couple was again topic. Accordingly, the wedding preparations are already running.

And here, too, presented the bride in spe from the cool side: "Benny always wanted to marry, and if he really needs it, then I'll just do it," says Svenja.

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Wedding proposal, Who Wants to be a Millionaire ?, RTL, Who Wants to be a Millionaire ?, Wedding Proposal, Günther Jauch