hotel Mama

Home, sweet home: As early as 1996, the sociologist Stefan Weick found that men take off on average five years later than women. In the previous decades, the difference was still at three years.

As the Federal Statistical Office announced, this trend continues: Today, 82 percent of 20-year-old men still live at home, compared to only 66 percent of women. With age, this discrepancy gets bigger and bigger. While 14 percent of 30-year-old men live with their parents, the same age women are only five percent.

But not only the boys, the girls also show nest stool tendencies. Quite different than in the 70s, when it drew young people to independence early. This is partly due to the longer training periods and the expensive housing market. But even the bad economic situation means that young people often find a permanent job late, which grants them financial independence.

The generous living situation of many families - in the past many siblings often grew up in cramped living conditions - intensifies this tendency. Love is no longer a reason to turn its back on parents, as couples are no longer forced to marry today. The psychologist Christiane Papastefanou has also observed that children of wealthy families spend their money on travel and leisure activities rather than on rent.

Papastefanou also has an explanation for the fact that boys use the "Hotel Mama" longer than girls: they enjoy more freedom in their parents' homes than their sisters. While sons usually come and go when they want to, daughters are worried about greater control, and they need to help more in the household.

They often complete shorter training courses than their brothers and therefore have their own income. In terms of private life, women are faster too: they start their own family in the old days.

Wohnen im Hotel Mama: Voller Kühlschrank und gewaschene Wäsche (June 2024).

Cinema hit, Hotel Mama