This happens during a separation with our body

Lovesickness is not a classic disease, but it definitely feels like it. If we are honest, flu, bladder or tonsillitis are a shit, right? Meanwhile, it is also scientifically recognized that a broken heart can cause physical discomfort. Ever heard of "Broken Heart Syndrome"?

That's what it's all about: the tremendous stress you have in heartache can lead to symptoms similar to a heart attack. Typical are sudden onset severe chest pain and shortness of breath, The cause is a stress-related constriction of the coronary arteries. Fortunately, a heart recovers within a few days or weeks.

But of course, not everyone who goes through a breakup gets a broken heart syndrome. Nevertheless, he may be physically impaired. Maybe your last (or current) lovesickness has shown these symptoms to you.

weight loss

We all know that: If the heart hurts, then the appetite goes to zero. The fact that the kilos tumble is only logical.


At restful hours is not to think about lovesickness. First, falling asleep is difficult and secondly, you wake up a few times at night and can not sleep. Too many questions go through your head. The result: one feels completely knocked off and scratched the next day.

withdrawal symptoms

You may say now: "My friend was not a drug!" But if you take it exactly, love is already a kind of drug. Is this exhilaration suddenly missing, is there a kind of withdrawal? for example, tremors and pain can result.

Bad skin

The skin is the mirror of the soul! Therefore, it is quite typical that people with lovesickness tend to pimples, rashes or redness. It's as if the skin wants to say Help, I'm not feeling well!

The immune system is weakened

A broken heart ensures an increased release of the stress hormone cortisol. That weakens the defense? and you are more susceptible to infections.



Lovesickness, separation, symptom