• April 27, 2024

To fast right: You have to know that

What does "fast right" mean?

If you really want to fast, should in this context, the keyword diet quickly delete: Rather, the fasting is the inner cleaning in the foreground.

About five percent of damaged body cells are broken down during a fasting cure, researchers found. Stored toxins are released from the cells and through our 'detoxification police', liver, intestine, kidney, lungs and skin, excreted. The intestine is once thoroughly cleaned and the digestive system wonderfully relieved.

1. How long and how often can I fast?

Fasting once a year for seven days (plus relief and build-up days) - that's a good measure, especially for beginners, Those who feel powerful and good after a week of fasting can also hang on for a few more days. However, one should also take more time for the transition to the normal diet, it is recommended one set-up day per three days of fasting, If you want to fast more than once a year or longer than two weeks, you should not do so without medical advice and support.

2. Does it make sense to combine fasting with my everyday life?

Whether you want to fast while the day-to-day demands of work and family continue is one thing individual decision, Fasting at home certainly has advantages: it costs neither time nor money, and it offers the opportunity to bring the new experiences and life habits in the aftermath of everyday life.

But those who drive away to fasting have more opportunities to concentrate on themselves. Offers are available in the form of fasting seminars, fasting or fasting clinics. The health insurance companies cover the costs of such programs, however, only in a few exceptional cases.

3. Does fasting change my hormonal status? Does it affect my menstrual period?

Yes, The effects may be quite different in individual cases: some women get migraines, in some the rule is unscheduled or falls stronger. Some menopausal women report that fasting helps them against hot flashes.

who the pill should continue to take during fasting, but without relying on this form of contraception.

4. Can I continue smoking while fasting?

In fasting clinics smoking is strictly prohibited. For a good reason, after all, many fasting people are concerned about the detoxification, If you can not stop completely, you should at least try to limit your cigarette consumption. Sugar-free chewing gum and relaxation exercises help. Maybe fasting is a good start to smoking cessation?

5. Does fasting change my mental capacity?

Some fasting people report spiritual highs, But it can also happen that the concentration is heavier and thought processes run more slowly when the brain has less fast energy available. In contrast, carbohydrates help - are allowed a teaspoon of honey or a glass of juice.

Movement also ensures a better energy intake, If the "misty" feeling in your head becomes permanent, you should talk to the leader or a doctor.

6. How does fasting affect my sleep?

Many people come out with less sleep during this time, but others just now want "more, more and more" sleep. Both are not sleep disorders, but normal reactions of the body to the changes in metabolism.

7. Can there also be visual disturbances?

The drainage of the body during fasting also covers the anterior and posterior chamber of the eye. The altered refractive index of the eye can lead to temporary obscuration, feeling strained at reading and being sensitive to light. That's harmless in itself, the Eyesight is restored during the development phase.

But attention: Night and twilight rides should be as taboo during fasting as long highway rides. And talk to your family doctor if you are worried about worse vision.

8. Should I avoid meals together with colleagues, friends and family?

It depends: Can you stand it when everyone is sitting at the table enjoying their meal happily? This is even worse for many fasting than preparing. Try it!

If you have small children who need to be persuaded to eat more often, think carefully about whether a fasting seminar in another location is feasible, since it is almost impossible to explain why you stop eating now (and the kids not).

9. How do I quit the fasting program prematurely if I can not keep up?

This is best done with light weight carbohydrate-containing meals, as intended for the 1st construction day. Highly recommended: fruits, best steamed, or potatoes with cooked vegetables. (Only on flatulent cabbage you should do without.) In between a yogurt or a slice of crispbread.

10. Can I use alternative healing while fasting?

Whether homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine or phytotherapy: As a rule, all alternative healing methods can also be used during a fasting cure, But you should not start treatments on your own during this time. This also applies to the self-medication of otherwise common drugs, such as headache tablets. Discuss any form of treatment while fasting with a doctor!

Gone through all checkpoints? Then on to our 12-day fasting program!

Choosing the Right PC Power Supply (PSU) as Fast As Possible (April 2024).

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