There you have to go! The garden center is the new adventure park

Zoo, rollercoaster, climbing hall: Can you save everything. If you really want to experience something, go to the garden center. There's everything inclusive Garden Center. This has such a stuffy aftertaste. That's why we used to go there only twice a year: in the spring to spend a monthly salary for pansies, tulips and daffodils, and in the fall to winterize the balcony. But today, that's a completely different trick. Since we could spend any free weekend there, because garden centers are better than any theme park. Since one event chases the next? and afterwards everyone goes home happy. Really, you have to go there! It's like this: garden centers are no longer just garden centers. No no. In addition to bags of potting soil and yukka palms, there are now indoor playgrounds, cafes, petting zoos, climbing walls, suspension bridges, resting areas, barbecue events, craft days, vegetable week, and, and, and. The garden centers have expanded their target groups to: all! That's why the event calendar is almost overflowing with action. It only makes you dizzy when you look at it.

Playtime at the Theme Park | Little Angel Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs (April 2024).