"The inner attitude looks outward"

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: What is the secret of a positive charisma for you?

Christian Larsen: openness and attraction. Both have something to do with one's own personality, but also express themselves in posture. Anyone who stands with their heads and backs raised does not look as honest as someone with an upright stance and open eyes. Only the combination of trustworthiness and attraction creates a magical positive aura.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: Are there certain details in the posture that make the broadcast sound?

Christian Larsen: Very important is an erect, centered posture of the head, above the body, not advanced, with a facial expression that is free of tension. That's central because we can not cover that up with clothes. And then of course it depends on the attitude of the whole body. Do I stand well on both feet, am I grounded, do I feel my center of gravity?

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: Does this also reflect a person's attitude, his attitude towards life?

Christian Larsen: You can read that only conditionally. If someone is stably standing on the ground like a judo fighter, then he has a certain stability, but that does not have to apply equally to all areas of life. I do not like to interpret something psychological into the posture. I prefer to watch, for example, that the shoulders hang as if bearing a burden on them, and then ask the one about his own associations.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: Why do people develop their own personal posture?

Christian Larsen: Two factors play a role here. One is gravity. It either unbalances us when the body fights against it or helps us get up with it. The second factor is the sum of all the physical and emotional burdens, experiences, challenges, disappointments and injuries that we have experienced. The inner attitude acts outwards and vice versa. A classic correlation. In practical terms, this also means that you can begin to change things at both ends - in the physical as well as in the mental.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: That means who works on his posture, can change his attitude to life?

Christian Larsen: Absolutely. That's one of the most direct ways. We have a body to express what we want to achieve. Ultimately, it is always about embodying the potential we have.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: How can I protect myself from the fact that physical and mental stress causes my posture to suffer from bad posture?

Christian Larsen: You can not protect yourself from dealing with your own life issues and challenges. At the most, to make the same mistake twenty times. Attention and sensitivity help to realize that something is wrong. If I am mindful, engage honestly and motivated in an early stage, then this is like a shield against mental problems - and against physical bad posture.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: How do I manage to be physically present?

Christian Larsen: Presence has something to do with the senses really being awake. So eyes and ears open. The second is the physical presence. Anyone who feels at any time and knows exactly where to focus when sitting, walking and running, automatically has a higher body presence.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN: What does natural beauty mean to you?

Christian Larsen: For me, natural beauty is like a flower that blooms, just like that, not because it likes to fall and work. I find a woman beautiful when she has a spiritual and physical presence. There is liveliness behind the appearance, there is feeling in it, and that is nice for me in sum - even if this woman does not correspond to the model picture.

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- The shoulder muscles can be trained at home using a kind of support that allows only targeted movements. In addition, the posture improves, tensions in the neck are alleviated. More information: www.schulterhilfe.de

- Dynamic sitting activates the deep back muscles and prevents a cramped posture. An ergonomically healthy chair, which also offers opportunities for targeted movement training, has been developed by social pedagogue and yoga teacher Gabriele Wander. More information: www.mishu.de

Inward Brokenness and Outward Fruitfulness - Zac Poonen - May 27, 2017 (April 2024).

Christian Larsen, Botox, posture, interview, christian larsen, researcher, posture