The first time at the gynecologist

When should my daughter go to the gynecologist for the first time?

With the first visit to the gynecologist or a gynecologist, you do not have to wait until a girl has the first boyfriend and the topic of sex turns up. Many girls feel the need to talk to a doctor about the changes in their body - and they do not necessarily want to do that with their mother.

It is also useful to visit the gynecologist if a girl has severe pain in the abdomen or in the chest or problems with the rule. When they go to the gynecologist for the first time, girls are on average 15 years old.

How does my daughter find the right gynecologist?

Many girls are afraid of the first visit to the gynecologist. Above all, the idea that a man examines her "downstairs", they find deterrent. Many people find it easier to go to a gynecologist. Often there is a special teenage consultation in the practices.

Some girls do not want to go to the same gynecologist as their mother - because they are afraid that the doctor will pass on intimate details or because they would rather listen to a friend's recommendation. You should absolutely respect the choice of your daughter.

How do I take my daughter's fear of a gynecologist?

If there is a possibility, check out the website of the gynecologist with your daughter beforehand - many practices have photos of the practice team online. Then your daughter knows who she's dealing with.

Encourage your daughter to write down and address questions and fears before the appointment.

Should I accompany my daughter to the gynecologist?

Offer your daughter to accompany her, but do not insist. Some girls prefer to go with a girlfriend, with their boyfriend, or by appointment alone.

What does my daughter expect at the first appointment?

If an appointment is made, make sure that it does not coincide with the menstrual period. Although the gynecologist usually only leads a conversation on the first visit and shows the examination room with the gynecological chair. If your daughter but has specific complaints, it may also be an investigation already made.

In this case, many girls feel more comfortable wearing a longer T-shirt - then they do not feel so naked on the way to the examination.

Which questions does my daughter have to face?

The gynecologist asks in conversation, when it came to the first menstrual period, how regular the bleeding and when was the last rule. She also asks about complaints, diseases and operations. Also medications, vaccinations and diseases in the family can be topic.

Some girls feel safer when they first write down the answers to these questions.

What does my daughter discuss with the gynecologist?

If your daughter is 14 years old or younger, the gynecologist is obliged to give you information. For girls up to the age of 16, doctors can ask their parents if it makes sense.

From the age of 16, the medical confidentiality applies in full - so if your daughter does not want you to learn something, you will not hear it.

