The best figure workout on DVD

Preview: ChroniquesDuVasteMonde figure workout

Here you will find a five-minute preview in the intensive program of the DVD. It's best to join us!

Burn fat, tone muscles and relax - You can do it all with the new workout of the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde DVD. In addition to cardio moves with boxing and dancing elements to burn fat, pilates exercises that tighten the deep muscles and give yoga postures new strength await you.

The special: There is a separate exercise program for each age group. Choose the workout that best suits your body (and ambition). There is a very intense program designed primarily for women 20-35, a special program for women over 35 and a gentler version for the 50+ age group.

The DVD is available for 15.95 euros in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde shop: To the DVD "The Best Figure Workouts".

Hourglass Figure Workout 20 Min (May 2024).

Dream figure, workout, dvd, cardio-moves