Which dog fits me best? Take the test!

© Markevich Maria / Shutterstock

Before you choose a pet name, it's interesting to know which dog breeds are right for you. Whether a Golden Retriever, a Terrier or a Beagle? There are several factors involved in deciding which dog breed to buy: Do you have enough time for the dog? How much exercise can you give your pet? Do you live in the city or in the countryside?

One thing is certain: All four-legged friends have their own character. The better you get along with your dog, the more you enjoy each other.Important is: No matter which dog breed you decide on, a four-legged friend always needs love, time and a consistent education.

This Test Will Reveal Which Dog Breed Best Suits You (May 2024).

Dogs, pet, pet owner, animal love, pet, dog breed, dog, collie, lassie