Wisdom about nutrition

Brown sugar is healthier than white That's not true! There is no difference in composition, energy content or sweetness. Brown sugar acts at best "more natural" and therefore appears to many healthier than the bright white, already by the term "refinery"? somehow sounds like petroleum. Before sugar is purified and crystallized, it is brown and coarse-grained. It still sticks syrup to the crystals, which provides the color and a slightly caramel flavor. So whoever serves the expensive brown cubes of tropical sugar cane for tea can at best give a visual justification: they simply look nicer than the familiar white pieces from the sugar beet.

Eating in the evening makes you fat That's not true! For weight matters only how much you eat a day, not when. A study of ten years with more than 7,000 women and men showed no difference between early and late risers in terms of weight - otherwise Spaniards would have to be the thickest and unhealthiest Europeans with their late suppers.

Mussels should only be eaten in months with "R" Right! Where the reasons for this have changed: In the past, the cooling technology was not as good as it is today, and shells would quickly be spoiled in the warm season. Today, two other aspects are crucial: the clams from native climes, especially the Wadden Sea, spawn in May. And then they are exhausted and do not taste at first. In addition: A shell filters up to 50 liters of seawater per hour and stores pollutants - and in summer pollute the algae blooms toxins the water.

After the meal you are not allowed to swim for at least one hour That's not true! This myth gave birth to the American Red Cross about 50 years ago as a warning against stomach cramps and drowning. And even in the bathing rules of the DLRG this requirement is just behind the warning of a plunge into foreign waters. The Americans now see this more relaxed, and sports doctors recommend "common sense instead of looking at the clock." It depends on what and how much you have eaten and how much you want to swim. After a long meal, the body needs its energy for digestive work, you get tired, your muscles are tired. Sport would be out of place now, swimming even life threatening. Anyone who swims a few moves without effort after a small, light snack will certainly not have any problems.

Chocolate is addictive Right! The insatiable appetite for chocolate is not a classic addiction like that of cigarettes or drugs, but after a bit many can hardly stop and want more. This is not only due to opiate-like substances in cocoa that make you happy, but above all because of the mix of cocoa, sugar and fat that melts so deliciously on your tongue. This is also proven by a US study with women who regularly eat chocolate: only those who were given real chocolate were really satisfied. Capsules with an identical cocktail of active ingredients disappointed the testers.

From chocolate you get pimples That's not true! Even though millions of women swear that their skin immediately reacts with impurities as soon as they eat more than one rib of chocolate. Nevertheless, there is no evidence for a connection between chocolate pleasure and clogged sebaceous glands, pimples or acne.

A hot meal a day must be That's not true! As long as the body gets the right nutrients, it does not matter if they are served warm or cold. For warm food more traditional habits or that many foods are only cooked enjoyable, such as legumes and potatoes.

Cola calms the stomach Right! Even people who never drink cola voluntarily swear by the brown sugar water when the stress hits their stomach. It is due to the carbon dioxide, which buffers an excess of stomach acid - but the same effect has mineral water. Cola and pretzel sticks help against mild diarrhea, because they compensate for low fluid and mineral loss. For the cola should be a bit stale and have room temperature.

Beer on wine, let it be? Wine on beer, I advise you That's not true! This saying is only available in Germany, which probably means that nowhere else beer and wine are so happily mixed up. Both are not scientifically tenable. Possible explanations: The noble wine should not be filled with cheap beer. Also, beer used to be called "liquid bread". It was believed that it was as nutritious as bread and therefore creates a certain foundation in the stomach. So you would not sit down so quickly from the higher-percentage wine.

You should not drink water on cherries Is true in part. In the past you actually got stomach ache.At that time, drinking water was often heavily contaminated with bacteria. Together with the cherries they started a fermentation process and they had abdominal cramps, bloating and diarrhea. That can not happen with today's water. However, cherries can also cause abdominal pain without water. On the shell sit yeast germs that can not be washed off. Anyone who eats cherries quickly and in large quantities, swallows the shell more or less chewed and gives his stomach in one fell swoop large amounts of these germs. By contrast, gastric acid no longer arrives and it begins to ferment. If water is drunk then it will dilute the stomach acid, and it will ferment even more.

Diet, Health and the Wisdom of Crowds - 2018 Version (May 2024).

Wisdom, Nutrition, Chocolate, Pimple, Wadden Sea, Red Cross