Four reasons why you should drink more coconut water

For years, celebrities on paparazzi have been drinking coconut water: Rihanna, Matthew McConaughey, Demi Moore and Madonna. But why?


Things that coconut water can do

Coconut water is healthy? It always means. Some things are right, others are nonsense. For example, it only helps to a certain extent when losing weight. Then rather water.

Coconut water returns important minerals

When we sweat, we excrete minerals through the skin. They want to be refilled, logically. There is actually this MINERAL water. The direct nutritional comparison shows that it can not compete with coconut water. The amniotic fluid usually contains twice as many minerals, in potassium even 250 times more! So if you sweat, you should drink coconut water in addition to a lot of water. This applies to sports, the sauna and even for fever. And everything else that makes you sweat. Hehe.

Fight the cat with coconut water

Even after drinking alcohol, coconut water is the bringer. In alcohol-heavy nights, while not necessarily sweating, minerals are still lost: First, the body loses fluid and thereby the blood are also different substances withdrawn. If it is bad, you get a saline solution, otherwise it says you should drink plenty of water before sleeping. To replenish minerals, coconut water is even better. In doubt, the morning after.

Coconut water, the potassium booster

Potassium? What is it and why is that good? Potassium is an electrolyte on which especially muscles and nerves are dependent. It is also involved in the regulation of pH and blood pressure. The body needs about two grams a day. In 100 milliliters of coconut water are already 250 milligrams, in coconut milk even 350 milligrams and in a small banana 360 milligrams. But beware: not much helps here. Too much potassium is excreted and too much and too little potassium can lead to heart problems. After detoxification and fluid loss through vomiting or diarrhea, it is advisable to take in a little more potassium. Well then cheers.

Beat cola and juice by lengths

With an energy content of between 15 and 20 calories per 100 milliliters, it is significantly lower in calories compared to sports drinks. These have an average of at least 25 calories. Even apple spritzer has 28 calories. And so-called "wellness drinks? have an average of 30 calories, grape juice even 60 calories. In addition to the calories, the sugar content is lower: Pure coconut water has about 2.6 grams. Sugar bomb Coke, however, 9 grams, the wellness drink pear melissa of Good & Auspicious 4.5 grams and the grape juice about 15 (!!) grams. But beware: Some coconut water is still added artificial fructose. Then the sugar content increases naturally.


What does not exist

The market for coconut water has become huge. In Sri Lanka, for example, there are 15 different coconut variations. In Germany, the green and the brown are popular. Then there is a yellow, a red, the king coconut and various others.

Meanwhile, it is also trendy to supplement the coconut water with other types of fruit or flavors. Pina Colada fans will like the pineapple varieties. It is good to look at the list of ingredients before you buy so that there are no big surprises of taste later on.

When coconut water is unusually combined with espresso, matcha, passion fruit or whey protein, for example, it gets completely freaked out. Is not it? Oh but:

Last but not least, if you want to give such a real Caribbean feeling, sipping fruit directly from the nut. Strohalm be pure, be happy.

Drink a Glass of Coconut Water for 2 Weeks, See What Happens to Your Body (May 2024).