That tastes the twin

Lively, communicative twins want one thing above all else: an entertaining meal, conversation, exchange as a main course. The food itself is more background.

Nevertheless, twins are not undemanding and do not consume indiscriminately. Light cooking, which does not make body and mind lethargic, is the main thing for them. They also like to eat at the buffet, where they can choose among many options one or the other delicacies: try everything, do not eat anything. Finger food, who invented it? The twins probably!

Twins tend to eat side-by-side: at their desks, at the computer, while reading - sometimes a bite here and there. While not necessarily the healthiest way to eat, twins love to bring goodness to the body and mind at the same time.

However, twins are figure-conscious anyway, so they like to eat light fish and lean meats such as poultry, lamb or veal, like natural grilled, with colorful salads with crisp cucumber, radishes and selected tomatoes. They prefer the classic French vinaigrette.

Potatoes, rice and pasta are rather unnecessary for twins. They have a distinct preference for nutrition on the five elements - with the balancing of the taste groups sour, sweet, salty, bitter, spicy.

Heavy sauces reject twins, asparagus, for example, they prefer to eat with brown butter or bread crumbs or with grated Parmesan cheese. Sweet? Yes, like ice cream, for example cassata, sherbet or similar fresh. Or sometimes biogummibärchen.

Cooking by Zodiac: Gemini - Eat Lightly

The lively, communicative twins love to eat together with friends. Light cuisine is right at the top of their enjoyment hit list: the meat should be lean, with a nice salad - perfect. Serve twins the salad plate with veal steak. Heavy sauces? Not!

Sweet? Very much! For example, a refreshing apple sorbet. And since twins are in between eaters, delicious finger food is the ideal alternative to the large five-course meal.

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초딩 입맛 영국 쌍둥이, 역대급 한식 맛집에서 신세계 영접!! (April 2024).

Gemini, horoscope, culinary, finger food, pasta, salad, computer