That's why the buttons on women's blouses are on the left

To find the reason for the different arrangement of the buttons - left for women, right for men - we have to look far back in history.

Blouses for women used to be deliberately sewn so that the buttons sit on the left side (as seen by the wearer). Because: Wealthy women did not have to dress themselves, but were attracted by their maids.

Most of the maids were right-handed women, making it easier to help the fine lady get dressed. In this tradition, the buttons are still attached to women left today.

That's why the buttons are right for men

But why are the shirts in men buttoned the other way? Could not that have been made uniform?

No - men used to carry swords. Because they were mostly right-handed people, they carried the sword on the left side to gain momentum. In this action, they could easily get tangled in their own shirt, if the opening of the button panel had shown to the left.

There is a second reason that also has to do with swords: in the cold season, men used to wear no gloves on their right hands. To keep them warm, they usually put them in the opening between the shirt buttons.

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The Real Reason Why Mens' Shirt Buttons Are On The Opposite Side Of Womens' (April 2024).

Clothes, buttons, blouse, shirt