Shitstorm for Wonder Woman Costumes: Suddenly the Amazons are almost naked

If you fight against demigods and villains, do you need a fitting outfit? we all know. For example, one like the Amazons in the movie "Wonder Woman": Their set of sturdy shin guards, resistant chest protector, leather corset and protective forearm shield is the perfect armor for any war.

But in the new movie "Justice League", she seems to have dressed a designer who has no idea about battles: her stomach is completely naked and unprotected. The thin leather straps on the forearms look more like jewelry that will hinder them in combat, their calves are unprotected and whether the leather sports bra will ever hold their breasts in combat is more than questionable.

The different clothes have also attracted many US viewers. With his tweet in which he shows the "old" and the "new" Amazons right next to each other, @Rosgakori triggered a fierce discussion on Twitter.

In case you wonder: Here's a picture of how the Amazon looked in Wonder Woman ... next to how they look in Justice League. First designed by Lindy Hemming, second by Michael Wilkinson.

Some steps backwards, methinks.

? Atte Timonen (@Rosgakori) November 12, 2017

"If you are interested: Here is a picture of the Amazons in Wonder Woman ... the next picture shows them in the Justice League, the outfits on the first picture were designed by Lindy Hemming, the second by Michael Wilkinson.

A few steps back, I think. "

Several users joined his opinion with some very funny tweets:

I mean, yes, they have great abs. But it makes no sense to fight like that.

? Sarah Pinsker (@SarahPinsker) November 12, 2017

"I mean, yes, they have great abdominal muscles, but it makes no sense to fight like that."

Even the lower leg protection goes from functional to WTF.

? Bert (Give Me Coffe or Give Me Death) Olio (@pastadisasta) November 12, 2017

"The shin guards have also transformed from functional to WTF"

Because when I go into battle, I want to expose all my vital organs to the weapons of my enemies.

? Alana Dill (@alanapaints) November 12, 2017


"When I go fighting, the first thing I want to do is expose my vital organs"

Sure: In truth, of course, there is the suspicion that Lindy Hemming has paid more attention to functionality in the designs, while Michael Wilkinson wanted to show as much as possible of the tight Amazon skin.

It also makes me super curious, they are all sexy, and they are conventionally sexy. Part of what I loved about Wonder Woman what that Amazons came in many sizes.

? Sarah Pinsker (@SarahPinsker) November 12, 2017

I would also like to know if they kept all the Amazons or only those who look conventionally sexy. One aspect I liked about Wonder Woman was that there were amazons in many sizes.

And one aspect that I like about Twitter is that people are discussing scarcer costumes from Amazons. 15 years ago there would probably have been no Shitstorm - certainly not on Twitter, because that's only since 2006.

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Twitter, armor, jewelry