Secrets for a great attitude to life

Tip: In the new ChroniquesDuVasteMonde BALANCE (from 3 August 2011 at the kiosk) you will find even more secrets. In addition, our experts reveal their personal tricks for a relaxed lifestyle and a happy body.

Luck secret 1: Loslaufen

On your marks, get set, go! From sport you get much more than a slender butt. The most important thing: it has to be fun. Then the body spills out a lot of happiness hormones during sports. And that's why we clear up with a few outdated beliefs:

1. Sport under 30 minutes brings nothing. Total nonsense, "says Prof. Christine Graf of the Sport University Cologne.The body always likes movement - whether 15 minutes or one hour.The only good thing is to vary pace and terrain from time to time otherwise the heart and circulation will be comfortable.

2. With short training sessions you do not increase your stamina. Error! "HIT" (High Intensity Training) is the magic word for lack of time. For jogging and cycling, it could look like this: running or turbocharging for 3 to 4 minutes, a short break, repeating the whole thing 3 to 4 times. The disadvantage of HIT: "You have occasionally sore muscles," says Graf. No problem, then one should allow his body just one, two days rest.

3. Only with training plans to get on. Not correct! It is much more important to listen to the inner voice and to make maximum efforts to do it well. No sensor in the world is as precise as the one we carry inside us. If you are not training for a competition, you can safely do without plans. The main thing is to find a training rhythm that makes you feel good.

4. You have to slowly approach loads. That's not true! If you are healthy, you can also exhaust yourself - whether in the studio or outside. To start, Graf recommends sporty-fun walking. Just go, jump and run in short units.

Secrets of fortune 2: Embodiment

Think slim? Or walk self-confidently? Go! With the right attitude. A good body feeling can be practiced: 1. How do I go? The posture influences our attitude. So: Try out what it feels like to go bouncy, take your shoulders back, let your arms swing freely. 2. Who am I - and who do I want to be? The basic requirement for every occurrence, so to speak. A small mental exercise that brings clarity: Imagine an animal that has exactly the qualities you want for yourself: as mysterious as a panther, elegant as a cat, as proud as a deer, assertive as a lion. How would the animal move? Try it out playfully yourself. The effect: a bit we take over the characteristics of the animal in our movements. And then we feel like that too.

Luck secret 3: rhythm

Ever wondered if your body feels like working at eight in the morning? The search is worthwhile. Here is a little rhythmic survival plan for everyone (except for extreme larks or owls ...) 7 o'clock: get up. Now the level of the stress hormone cortisol is particularly high and prepares the brain to wake up. When exactly a good moment to wake up depends on whether you have a light sleep or a deep sleep phase. Waking up every morning in the morning, it may be worthwhile stepping the alarm clock forward or backward by a quarter of an hour - to the point where you can easily get out of bed. 8 o'clock: In the morning the stomach empties faster than in the evening. Therefore, a sumptuous breakfast does not make us tired. So: hit it! 10 O `clock: Most people can concentrate best in the morning. A good time for creative work, for reflection, for important decisions. <2 pm: About an hour after lunch, many become inattentive. Now it makes sense to do routine work. 6 pm: Training time! Study participants performed best when their body temperature was slightly elevated - and this is the case for almost all people at around 6pm. But you should not jog until you drop: If you stimulate your circulation too much, you'll sleep badly later. 23 o'clock: Off to bed. The immune system is running at full speed. Fever or cold are now actively combated. And: Statistically, now is the most popular time for sex ...

Secret of Fortune 4: Mindfulness

Psst, listen carefully! Our body has more to say than we think. 1. Showering vigilantly: In the morning, let the stream of the shower slowly wander over your body and perceive at every point how the water feels on the skin: First the arms, then the trunk, then the legs and feet. A nice feeling that makes for a mini-portion of self-love and attention. 2. Preheat neural networks: Take newspaper (or old book) in the hand and in the morning all words with two or three E (also goes with A, I or O) stubbornly rule out. That focuses us and our brain fully on the moment. Five minutes are enough to sharpen the brain for the tasks of the day. An alternative: Look at five medium-length words from the text briefly and concentrated, close your eyes and spell them by heart. 3rd Walking Meditation: You can practice this on the way to work, on Saturday afternoon or just in between: consciously walking slowly, breathing in for four paces, taking a short break, breathing out four paces, taking a short break. Pay close attention to how the feet touch the ground, and unroll with each step.

Luck secret 5: feasting

Enjoy makes you slim - you have to let it melt on your tongue. Do not get hungry: Magen growling worsens the mood in many people. The culprit is the close neural connection of our belly to the brain. More than 100 million nerve cells are located in the intestinal wall, significantly more than in the spinal cord. If the stomach is full, it signals to the brain: pour happiness hormones! So when hunger arrives, immediately respond with a healthy snack: a handful of nuts, some fruit, a shake of buttermilk, oatmeal and a teaspoon of honey. Seasonal food: Pumpkin and grapes in the autumn, asparagus and strawberries in the summer - who eats what the season currently offers, has more often the feeling of being pampered with special food. A seasonal calendar for fruits and vegetables can be found here.Correctly combine: According to a scientific theory, carbohydrates could make happy, because they promote the uptake of a specific protein building block into the brain, which is the basic building block for the happiness hormone serotonin. But this only works if the combination is right - and you do not eat protein at the same time, says the nutritionist Dr. med. Gisela Olias from Potsdam. Do not eat too much fat: Research shows that high-fat meals make you tired. Top of the list: French fries, pizza, fatty meat, because they have many saturated fatty acids. To put on good fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy - we know. Studies now show that they also seem to be able to prevent depression. Good reasons to eat more sea fish!

Take Control of Your Attitude and Stay Positive (one of the most motivational talks ever) (May 2024).

Lifestyle, mystery, happiness, secrecy of fortune, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Balance, Cologne, happiness, sense of life, feeling better, feeling lighter, feeling good, feeling good in one's own body