Like one egg the other: Kate has a doppelganger

You have to look twice soon to realize that this is not Kate Middleton. On her Instagram account? Great replicas? Kate Urbanska from England post photos of herself wearing the same outfits as the Duchess.

Kate has already invested over 8,000 euros in the outfits

Down to the smallest detail Kate Urbanska copies the outfits of her idol. For this she researches for hours, looks on Ebay and other portals for bargains. She tries to get exactly the same clothes Kate wears. Similar fashion items are only used in an emergency. So she wants to approach the Duchess and look just as classic as she.

That can cost the Englishwoman quite a bit: According to the Daily Mail, she should already have invested more than 8,000 euros in the copied looks. "I love Kate Middleton and her style? Her look is modern, timeless and so different from the other stars ?, she enthused in the newspaper.

You can watch the coolest Kate inspired looks here:

A post shared by GreatRepliKate (@greatreplikate) on Mar 28, 2017 at 10:39 am

A post shared by GreatRepliKate (@greatreplikate) on 18 Feb 2017 at 10:00

A post shared by GreatRepliKate (@greatreplikate) on Jan 31, 2017 at 6:28 pm

A post shared by GreatRepliKate (@greatreplikate) on Aug 29, 2016 at 5:35 pm

A post shared by GreatRepliKate (@greatreplikate) on Dec 30, 2016 at 10:24

Video Recommendation:

Dragonslayer Doppelgänger (April 2024).

Kate Middleton, England, Outfit, Kate, First Name, Instagram, eBay