How? Barbie has a surname!

Stops the machines, that changes everything: Barbie has a surname! Yes, exactly - THE Barbie! The puppet with which we spent our childhood and with which our daughters still play today.

So far we thought that Barbie would be like Cher or Madonna: one name is enough - this woman does not need a surname. But one day toy manufacturer Matell dropped the bomb - at the top of the video you can see which surname has the most famous doll in the world!

Barbie and Ken have bourgeois names!

Okay, so our favorite doll is just a normal human. So - from plastic. And what about Barbie's long-term on-off friend Ken? Of course he has a full name! Ken is completely called "Kenneth Carson". And if you wonder how the creators got their names: Mattel founders Ruth and Elliott Handler have a daughter named Barbara and a son named Kenneth - any questions ?!

Barbie Has A Last Name? (May 2024).

Barbie doll, last name, nursery, doll