Homeopathic treatment - is that something for me?

1. What are the principles of homeopathy?

Homeopathy (from the Greek, homoios = similar, pathos = suffering, disease), developed about 200 years ago by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), regards itself as an independent therapy system. The basic principle of homeopathy is the similarity rule: "Similia similibus curentur" - similar things may be cured by something similar. This means that a disease can be cured with the substance that would cause the same symptoms in a healthy person.

To avoid side effects and risks of the partially toxic and dangerous active ingredients, they are diluted until the pathogenic stimulus turns into a curative. This "potentiation" occurs gradually: D-potencies are each diluted 1:10, C-potency 1: 100 and Q-potency 1: 50,000. Example: A part of a "primal substance" becomes a C1 solution with 99 parts alcohol by vigorous shaking. A portion of it spilled with 99 parts of alcohol gives a C2 solution, etc.

The higher the potency, the lower the concentration of the active ingredient and the greater the healing effect according to Hahnemann. Because although the original substance is barely detectable, the information contained in it are still present in the opinion of homeopaths. They give the patient's body important impulses to initiate self-healing processes (regulatory medicine).

The selection of the particular remedy in classical homeopathy depends not only on the symptoms of the current affliction, but also on the individual constitution, the personal characteristics, the mental states and the behavior of the patient. Illness is a disturbance that affects the whole person, as a disharmonious disorder that disturbs the physical-mental-mental balance and the individual rhythm. The treatment with very specific selected means to restore the order and so pack the disease at the root.

This holistic concept does not exist in modern Complex Homeopathy. It is limited to a purely symptomatic treatment of diseases. The focus is no longer on humans but on the diagnosed disease - similar to conventional medicine.

2. What does conventional medicine say?

School physicians criticize that the mechanism of action of homeopathy is not plausible and has not yet been scientifically proven. Many studies have delivered partly contradictory results. Success can only be explained by a placebo effect. At high potencies no active ingredient is detectable. Low potencies of toxic substances can be dangerous.

3. With which therapy variants does homeopathy work?

  • Classical homeopathy is a talking medicine in which patients are given a lot of time and attention. It prescribes after detailed anamnesis talks (Erstanamnesen last about two hours) a selected according to the individual constitution of the patient single agent in the form of globules, tablets or drops. Regular follow-up visits (approximately 30 to 60 minutes) are used to control and adjust the therapy.
  • In symptomatic therapy and self-treatment, depending on the symptom, remedies are taken in the potency C 12 or lower. The selection of funds is based on guidelines based on the experience of classical homeopathy.
  • In Complex Homeopathy, mixtures with five to six different individual remedies are prescribed in deep, often even different potencies for complaint complexes (for example common cold, circulatory problems, menopause, pollen allergies) without a detailed first-patient history.

4. In which indications is classical homeopathy applied?

  • chronic suffering
  • allergic complaints
  • asthma
  • eczema
  • functional disorders such as migraine, high blood pressure, menstrual disorders
  • psycho-vegetative disorders, e.g. Sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, exhaustion -inflammatory diseases (e.g., sinus, intestine)
  • Women's diseases such as PMS, menopausal and pregnancy complaints
  • teething
  • Symptomatic therapy, self-treatment with homeopathic remedies and homeopathic complex remedies are used in acute light everyday problems

The special strength of classical homeopathy is that it also treats chronic diseases that have been treated in conventional medicine and thus at least alleviates symptoms. For light everyday problems homeopathic remedies are a gentle alternative - also for self-treatment.

5. When should homeopathy not be used?

  • in previous surgical operations and traumas (homeopathic remedies can only be used as adjuncts to wound treatment)
  • all diseases that have already resulted in changes and restrictions on organs and tissues (e.g., gastric ulcer scarring, valvular heart disease, degenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease)
  • cancer
  • Acute life-threatening illnesses
  • Self-medication should not be used for prolonged complaints. In these cases, a medical examination is always necessary!

6. What side effects can occur?

In the case of classical homeopathy, an initial aggravation is possible after taking the single agent. Even an "old" long-forgotten illness can reappear at short notice. In addition, no other side effects are to be expected with proper treatment by a classical homeopath (otherwise problems with the use of poisons such as arsenic, mercury or cadmium are possible).

Complex funds are not prescribed according to the rule of similarity. They are therefore rather an untargeted "shotgun therapy". Their individual components can cancel each other out in their effect.

Self-treatment with homeopathic remedies can lead to new symptoms if the remedy does not exactly match the disease. Important therefore: do not use higher potencies than C12 and no toxic substances in low potencies from D1 to D6! The therapy should be discontinued when the limits of homeopathy are reached.

7. What interactions are possible?

The classic homeopathy is usually combined at the discretion of the doctor with conventional medicine. However, it should not be used simultaneously with biochemistry remedies according to Dr. med. Schuessler, Bach flowers, acupuncture, fasting and physical therapies are used. During a classic homeopathic therapy, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, tobacco, essential oils (especially peppermint, menthol, camphor), too much salt and sugar, vegetables and spices such as parsley, vanilla, onion, celery and asparagus and an unhealthy lifestyle should be avoided , Electrosmog, amalgam fillings and vaccinations can also interfere with healing.

Symptomatic therapy and complex homeopathy are often used simultaneously with conventional medicine. You do not have to do without coffee, essential oils etc.

8. For whom is homeopathy suitable?

In classical homeopathy patients must be willing to cooperate with the doctor / therapist. You should be able to perceive disease symptoms differentiated and described in the anamnesis. Also important is the willingness to communicate emotions, biographical details and mental states. In addition, the elaborate treatment requires patience and motivation.

Symptomatic therapy and Complex Homeopathy require a preference for "soft" methods. But also the willingness to accept prescriptions, as in conventional medicine, is important. Self-treatment with homeopathic remedies requires patient commitment and patience to find the right remedy.

9. Who bears the costs?

Statutory funds do not reimburse the costs of homeopathic remedies. Some take over at least partially the costs of anamnesis with the contracted doctors - best before asking. Some physicians also offer homeopathy as a health insurance fund in the context of the "integrated care with classical homeopathy" - also best ask your own health insurance. Private health insurance companies or supplementary insurance companies usually pay for the treatment costs depending on the contract. Erstanamnesen including case preparation cost between 120 to 220 euros, following anamnesis about 60 to 80 euros, drugs depending on potency about 5 to 20 euros.

10. Where is more information?

  • German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians e.V. (DZVhÄ): addresses of doctors
  • Homeopathy Forum e.V., organization of classical homeopathic working naturopaths e.V .: addresses of non-medical practitioners
  • "Homeopathy for skeptics: how it works, why it heals, what is proven" by Dr. med. Irene Schlingensiepen and Mark-Alexander Brysch (2014, 192 p., 16.99 euros, O. W. Barth)
  • "Homeopathy, nothing in it? by Matthias Wischer and Iris Hammelmann (2009, 96 p., 12.95 euros, Haug)
  • "Homeopathy entirely female" by Anja Engelsing (2008, 192 p., 19.95 euros, Haug)
  • "Homeopathy from 50" by Sven Sommer (2008, 128 p., 12,90 Euro, Graße und Unzer)
  • "Enders' Handbook Homeopathy" by Dr. med. Nobert Enders (2007, 579 p., 39.95 euros, Haug)

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Remedies, homeopathy, homeopathy, medicine