Hardy Kruger jr. and Co .: That's what celebrities associate with their cars

The celebrities like to remember the first car as well. At the "Mazda Entertainment Night" in the Berlin Sheraton Hotel on the Lützowufer, the stars reminisced. "My first car was an Opel cadet with the registration VP - Valerie's Porsche!" Said actress Valerie Niehaus (43, "The Spy"), laughing and adding, "I had no problem with self-confidence at the time".

Also Hardy Krüger jr. (50) remembers his first car experiences: "When I picked up the new car with my father, a Mercedes: the smell of fresh leather, a lighted cigarette and the music of Simon & Garfunkel." And immediately there is this feeling that I associate with cars today - freedom and fun. "

"The first car had only breakdowns"

Colleague Sönke Möhring (45) earned the money for the first own car in hard harvest work, then it was enough for a Golf 2: "I'm tired of hubcaps and grille," he says. That did not help against the breakdown series. "I bought the cart from our neighbor, a car mechanic, who I thought had kept the car in good shape, but was unfortunately not." VW has remained true to the actor to this day.

Media guru Prof. Jo Groebel (67) remembered a long-ago love affair: "I drove spontaneously with the lady in the night from Aachen to Paris on the Mercedes.A Citroën SM hissed past us on the illuminated highway near Brussels incredible feeling. " Even today, the current smart driver has a weakness for beautiful cars: "My dream would be a Rolls Royce convertible from 1950."

Classic car dreams

Actors and current Jeep driver Manuel Cortez (39) dreams of the car of a Porsche 911 built in 1972 in mustard yellow: "I would drive him until he falls apart." TV star Dieter Landuris (57), who was able to drive at the age of eleven, because his father had a car dealership, made his dream come true. His love belongs to three classic cars, from the 1950s and 1960s, which he particularly likes "topless": "In this great summer, I was able to drive a lot of convertible."

Celebrities rely on car sharing

But there were also critical voices for traffic. As a car sharing friend and user of public transport outed, among others actor Gedeon Burkhard (49) and pop singer Julian David (28) and newcomer Lucas Sauer. You find that a car in town is "nonsense". Sauer: "My smartphone is more suitable for the status symbol." And David and Burkhard find: "If car, then with electric motor."

The pop singer Annemarie Eilfeld (28, "When you go") does not want to give up the comfort of her own car and loves thick carts. Currently she drives a Mercedes CL, "but I speculate on a SUV".

The talk round

The International Radio Exhibition (IFA) was the occasion for Mazda to invite to the night of entertainment. There was also a critical look at society and the influence of the media. Concerns and criticism, but also laughter characterized the highlight of the event, the talk round, at the u.a. Director Peter Ladkani ("Homicide Istanbul"), Claudia Garde ("Ottilie von Faber-Castell"), Rainer Matsutani ("Gangs") and Grimme Award winner Annette Ernst ("Les Lands") presented their latest projects and about the Influence of film and television debated.

Especially Gardes film project about Ottilie von Faber-Castell, who defended herself as a corporate heir in the 19th century against patriarchal structures, caused a stir. One of the descendants of the dynasty, Patrick Graf von Faber-Castell, sat in the audience and first learned there for the first time of the film project, which shows his family not only in a positive light.

Exciting exchange

"I have to process that first," says the count. Director Garde, who had also written the screenplay for the ARD production, was nevertheless pleased with the exchange and admitted: "So far, we had had no contact with the family, but I would very much welcome." Shooting in the original palace of the dynasty would therefore not have taken place.

After a long exchange, the count also seemed placated with regard to the young leading actress Kristin Suckow (29). He greeted them with the words: "Hello great-grandma!" Meetings were to follow and the count was told, "You must turn at the castle in Stein!" Suckow told about the filming, which she had to do for the most part in the corset. "I could feel what Ottilie must have felt when she was finally allowed to take off this air-robbing, movement-obstructing thing as an adult woman."

Consumer Protection in an Age of Uncertainty - Day 2 (May 2024).

Car, Mazda engine, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, car sharing, Berliner, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Adam Opel, cigarette, VW, Paris, Brussels, Hardy Krüger jr. and Co., Mazda Entertainment Night, Valerie Niehaus, Hardy Krüger Jr., Sönke Möhring, Manuel Cortez, Gedeon Burkhard