Dangerous trend: why you should not give children sleeping pills

It is already tempting: A small pill or a juice in the evening and already sleeps the restless child peacefully through to the morning. And the parents finally have a night without interruptions.

According to findings of the Bavarian Ministry of Health this seduction succumb more and more stressed parents. They give their children sleeping pills to sleep through at night.

Demand for sleeping pills is increasing

"We have to stop this dangerous trend that paediatricians and scientists are currently observing!" Demands Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml.

Although there are no concrete numbers that show how many parents actually give sleeping pills. But in doctors' surgeries, parental advice centers and forums, the question of the fast tablet is becoming more and more common, according to N-TV. In addition, there are also sleep aids for children who are not prescription, the parents can therefore buy without medical advice in the pharmacy.

Minister Huml, a self-educated physician, warns: "Many of these agents contain agents that interfere with the natural child-like sleep-wake cycle, disrupting the optimal recovery of children, which is very important for learning and mental health."

Sleep aids can be fatal to infants

The professional association of paediatricians also warns against the use of sleeping pills. These can not only make you mentally dependent, but also damage internal organs and even lead to respiratory arrest in children under the age of three.

So, even though lack of sleep can be like torture, try to use gentle means to bring the child to sleep - or console yourself that this phase will eventually be over.

The Side Effects of Vaccines - How High is the Risk? (May 2024).

Sleep Aid, Bavaria