Cleaning up in the nursery: 9 golden rules

Before the child comes, we are still in good spirits: "The baby does not need so much, and we also regularly cut out toys. No, we make sure that it does not get too much not so much space. "

As far as the good intentions. Then the baby is there, it grows and clothes in various sizes accumulate, Grannies and Opis, aunts and uncle, friends and relatives give what the stuff holds - and in the end, the small apartment is full. If at some point the child is bigger, maybe a second or third comes, the shack bursts at the seams.

To clean up! Urgent! But how? We have some tips for you on how to mop up and clean up with children and for children.

Cleaning up does not mean "Topgestyltes Kinderzimmer des Jahres"

First of all: tidying and cleaning does not mean that everything has to be perfect, so that every moment a team from Schöner Wohnen could come to take pictures of your flat - including a tiptop-styled nursery. Rather, it's about having an apartment where you feel comfortable, where you have everything you need - and not 1000 things that just rob you of space and air to breathe.

Children grow and change - constantly

When cleaning up with children, the biggest challenge is that they constantly grow, have different clothes and other things, and always develop new and different interests. While we used to mop up only once a year, we now have to tackle it at regular intervals. When you get used to it, things get faster and faster. Plus point: You feel relieved that you have sorted out the junk.

But: Tidying up with children does not mean that you do it for them, but from a certain age also with them.  

Here are a few tips for starting:

  1. Start early: If tidying up and cleaning out children early on is a matter of course, the biggest drama (hopefully) will be missing. Babies, of course, can not clean up, but from two years, children can "help" a bit.
  2. Lead by example: If you want your kids not to throw everything around, you have to set a good example. You can show your children what "tidied up" means and show it to them. This applies to tidying up as well as to other areas of life.
  3. Simple rules: Even small rules help to ensure order. Example: In the evening the Legos come in the box. This is a rule that even young children understand and can implement.
  4. Small tasks: "Clean up your room!" Everybody has heard this sentence from his parents. However, this task is far too big for many children. Where to start? Even adults fail because of their own "I clean up the apartment" premises. Better to hand out small tasks ("pack the Legos in the box.") That are concrete.
  5. Fold clothes: Early, who wants to have a decent cupboard. Even little children can learn to fold clothes with some help and guidance. And if you do it playfully, it will be a lot of fun.
  6. Clearing by categories: Clearance expert Marie Kondo recommends that you sort by categories. And you start with things that do not have that much sentimental value. Clothes, then books and then things that are important to you. The central question according to the Konmari method is: Will I bring X X Joy? If so, he may stay. If not, he can go away. For children, you have to translate the concept. It's more about whether the blanket feels good, you like playing with toy X. Of course, it's more challenging to go through these questions with children than just make the decision yourself. Everyone has to find their personal balance. When it comes to mucking out too small kids' clothes, should you rather ask yourself if you still need them (will I have a second or third child?) Or if you would be happier if you have the space for other things would have. Is the child planning through, you can dig out rigorous. The fact that one usually has too much stuff is the fate that many parents share. A baby initial equipment is certainly less extensive than you think.
  7. Muck despite sufficient space: Just because you have enough and more space to store things does not mean you have to keep something. Still, think carefully about all things, if you really need them.
  8. Letting go is good: The sooner children learn that giving things away is better, the easier it gets as they get older.
  9. Take away - and consistently: After the mucking comes the removal.Think about what you want to do with the things (sell, donate, give away, etc.) and implement your planning immediately. If things are in the corner for days, the departure is sometimes more difficult and the motivation decreases.

Also read

"Konmari" method: Have you cleaned up SO?

Tidying up with and for children will never have an end. You have to be aware of that. But if you have an early view of everything and regularly muck it out, it's easier. Really. Because then mucking and tidying becomes a matter of course and not a big task, which one pushes over and over again.

The most important rule at the end: What is broken, is broken and should go to the trash.

7 Parenting Tips to Deal With a Naughty Child (April 2024).

Children play, baby, junk, toys, clothes, LEGO