Celebrities about happiness: the most beautiful quotes

It makes me insane and dull at the same time, wading through a swamp of star shoals every day: From every kiosk, from every tabloid left behind, the eyes of the overgrown celebrity guard stare strangely empty, from international to local, from miniature to supernova , from glow to maximum cow-eyed. In addition to stupid fairy tales, superfluous details and many meaningless words. The great US comedian Tina Fey called the little Paris Hilton a piece of shit and could add nonchalantly that this dilemma has meanwhile dissolved, thank God, in the air. Beautifully observed, because who cares today even the ridiculous escapades of the hotel heir?

"You should never complain about a failure because it's already done, it's past, the chance lies in the new attempt, in the new beginning, every time again" Jane Fonda

In the past, of course, there were no mass media that talked about royal houses, container kitties, or pop idiots - movie stars and show greats were not allowed to say much about their private lives; it only hurt their roles and their talents. But there are, of course, famous people, see Tina Fey, who say great things, and it would be a shame if, like in Hollywood, they had to be silent. Because the truth is: The most beautiful and best advice that I follow consistently in my life, come from cinema and other stars. I have read Nietzsche and Sloterdijk. I know what Buddhism would ask me to do. But out of necessity, and also out of desperation, surprisingly, I am most likely to catch people whom I know only superficially from the screen, from books or magazines. And, yes, occasionally I draw their helpful life ideas from the relevant gazettes.

"People should try harder to be less stupid - that's what dresses them best ..." Vivienne Westwood

Quotes challenge happiness

In an interview, Jane Fonda once described very emphatically how, after a long life, she realized how important it is to accept her own missteps. One should never complain about failure, because it has already happened, is past. The chance lies alone in the new attempt, in the new beginning, every time again. I always think of Jane Fonda and her actually simple phrase when I'm devastated, when I hate anger, strife and embarrassment. And then I feel better. I say to myself: Okay, get up, it was stupid. Tomorrow you'll do better.

I know from Sarah Jessica Parker that she does not comb her hair. Did she really say.

Sure, she has a crazy hairdresser who tries out art on the head every few days, but since that saying, I've been a fan of the Fast Knot-on-the-Morning method. Would I have accepted the same tip from a friend? Rather no, it takes the permission of a style icon to start unassailably casual in the day. Her colleague Julianne Moore, this gorgeous as well as fantastic actress, could fall around her neck for more profound wisdom. There are three: 1. The advice of your girlfriends always reflect their own fears. 2. That going out has to be fun is a socially prescribed obsession. And Weiheit Nummer 3: People who are sympathetic should be addressed. I assure you, all three rules have made my life easier, more casual and more fulfilling.

"The advice of your girlfriends always reflects their own fears" Julianne Moore

Vivienne Westwood has encouraged me in my passion for books. The shrill fashion designer, whom I admire most for her unflinching and lust for life, is a passionate Shakespearean fan and long ago swore to take a book in her hands every day. Instead of recommending to people to buy a dress from her, she conjures her to bury herself in the classics: "People should try harder to be less stupid, that's what dresses them best." The most recommendable accessory is a book, because sexual attractiveness without education does not exist. " Wonderful! In Westwood's eyes you can walk barefoot, even without underwear, you can be happy in a shabby, barely furnished apartment, never have to go to expensive restaurants - if only you can read.

Sure, it's obvious, the really good things are obviously from older and therefore much wiser women. Of those who have learned over the years how little light and happiness can be found in the center of all things.It is precisely those who consciously circle from the greatest distance around the center of total exposure that are the source of exhilarating wisdom.

"A not inconsiderable part of what is called art is actually bullshit" Hugh Grant

Why do not I get any quotes about happiness?

Why do I so devoutly listen to the principles of such distant people? Why do I let them bless me, what already dwells in me as a clue anyway? Of course I love the art they show me. I admire her, yes, I'm probably envious of her glamor. Above all, I am persuaded that these people, to whom something remote from reality, the Rapture attached, come to deeply down-to-earth and absolutely consistent principles. So I think: who comes from Olympus and at the same time is so on the carpet, which can actually tell me indispensable secrets about life. They can be comforting, funny and sometimes extremely practical: I could rejoice with joy when Hugh Grant notes with British charm, a not inconsiderable part of "what is called art is actually bullshit".

Since then, I stroll through galleries and exhibitions much happier. For even the smart Englishman, of course, does not stop his scathing decision from hanging up at home with the things he likes and whose value he is convinced of. He has just bought a Gerhard Richter and an Andreas Gursky for a lot of money and is happy about their sight every day.

I am deeply touched when Sylvester Stallone admits his late shame on his erstwhile boy-like megalomaniac and declares, "I have nothing against people telling me what trash that was." It was vanity. "White suit. Mercedes with double bed and microwave "I've gone crazy, I've got the blame." Start over again, very different. Move the priorities. Searching for Human Dignity: The turnaround from being so contraindicated and overblown star to a thoughtful and obviously sensitive person really moves me. I've never had a Mercedes with a bed in it, but vain, over-strained goals that I've said goodbye to.

"Nothing is as sexy as a zest for life" Susan Sarandon

How many years have I bothered with my timidity, cursed it, desired me more boldly, and wilder my life. And how comforting it is when a Meryl Streep succinctly dissects their insecurities, it releases me like a late but official permission to be as I am. When Jerry Hall sighs in relief after a failed marriage with Mick Jagger, how early she would always go to sleep now. Or when I hear from Woody Allen that he loves to drink beer in his chair and watch baseball. The great New York director gives exactly these two things, in order to distract himself optimally from the meaninglessness of his life. I have often stuck to it - in gloomy moments of utter lethargy: when I've taken care of too much, when I was uselessly hacked, when I wanted to do everything right again. What have I done? Drinking a glass of wine on my tiny balcony and looking forward to the next season of an American series insane.

You can find even more quotes from celebrities and sayings for every situation in our special: Proverbs.

Best Inspirational Famous Movie Quotes (May 2024).

Jane Fonda, Quote, Tina Fey, Paris Hilton, Hollywood, Hugh Grant, Vivienne Westwood, Sarah Jessica Parker, Knowledge, Celebrity, Quote