Bullying and secret photos: What this woman answers her haters, is stunning!

It makes you angry when reading: A woman who wants to work on her overweight, goes to the gym every night - and eventually realizes that other customers not only laugh at her, but even secretly present her on Snapchat!

But instead of giving the women a slap and displaying them for the secret photos, she remains remarkably cool. On reddit she wrote her "admirers" an open letter that impressed:

"I am the fat girl"

"This is my first week in the gym, and every night after work the same three girls are there, and today I found out that they secretly take pictures of me on Snapchat and make fun of me - but I do not care I'm glad you do not have to go through what I have behind me.

I used to be in top form, but I broke my hip and had to do without sport. Then my grandmother got sick and I had to take care of her around the clock. (...) Then she died, and I distracted myself with food from the grief and grew even thicker. Now I have size 22 (equivalent to the German size 54). "

"I hate neither myself nor my body"

"I love myself the way I am, and it has taken me all my life to say and believe those words. I love myself.
It really sucks that the society and your parents have brought you up with the attitude that it's okay to hurt someone who wants to improve rather than support him - but I'm not mad. Thank you for reminding me to keep going after a really long day. In a month, when all this "New Year, New I" joke is over, I will continue to consciously feed myself and torment my ass every day in the fitness center. Not so you or anyone else will accept me. That's just for me.
I hope that all those who find themselves ugly or overweight and have decided to change their lives will continue. Forget the skinny girls who laugh at you, or the muscle-bound men who tell you how disgusting you are. I just love you.
Let's spread more love, the world can use it? "

Serenity instead of tantrum

Which of us could be nearly as relaxed in this situation? It's the way she writes: whoever accepts himself and is at peace with himself, it is piepegal what other people think about him. Applause for this unshakeable peace!

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Model posts a photo of a naked woman - to make fun of herself


Bullying, bullying