Britney Spears: Kevin does not shy away from action

Kevin Federline (39) wants more money and draws heavy guns for it: A few weeks ago it was announced that Britney Spears (36, "Toxic") ex-husband with the current financial regulation is anything but satisfied. The current maintenance he receives for the two sons together Jayden (11) and Sean (12), according to media reports, around 20,000 US dollars per month. Apparently too little.

After the success of Spears long-time Las Vegas show and the upcoming summer tour Federline probably also wants to have a part of the cake. After out-of-court negotiations but failed, the 39-year-old now probably go to court, as "Us Weekly" reported.

Federline disappointed, Spears careful

Federline, who has full custody of Sean and Jayden, out of respect for Britney and his sons, wants to "shut down" the demand for raising child support without turning on a court, a unnamed insider is quoted. Now, the situation would probably not "decided without intervention of a court".

Compared to "Entertainment Tonight" another source said that the whole thing could very soon "land" in court. Accordingly, Federline "was disappointed that they could not sit down and clarify the matter amicably." After all, he could demand an increase years ago. "If he had done that, then he would have received two or three times child support," it continues. Nevertheless, the relationship between Spears and Federline is "friendly".

Spears' lawyers have already sent a new offer, it is meanwhile in "Us Weekly", but Federline have this "flat rate rejected." At the same time Spears wants to clarify the situation as fast as possible, but she has reservations that Federline could be at the next big success with a claim at the door again, if he now get more money.

The thing with self-determination

After an almost legendary nervous breakdown, Spears was made incapacitated in early 2008. Until today her father is her guardian and decides among other things about the assets of the singer. Custody of the children went to Federline, from which Spears divorced in 2007. Now, according to media reports, it could soon be time for Spears at least to decide independently about himself and her money. After completing her upcoming tour, a medical opinion should decide if the singer is back to full self-determination. That had already been negotiated with her father in court.

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Britney Spears, Kevin Federline, Lawsuit, Maintenance, Britney Spears, Kevin Federline, Jayden James Federline, Sean Federline, Maintenance, Custody