Breathing exercises against stress - now we take our breath!

1. You wake up in the morning and feel rushed because there is more to do than can be done.

Breathing Exercise: Lie on your back. As you inhale, bend your leg, stretch it out with your breath out, and point your mouth as you exhale, blowing out a candle. Then release the leg for a moment and then start again with the next inhalation. Change leg after three times.

Effect: The breathing becomes deeper, the breathing space widens and with it the view of the happening.

2. In a crowded subway the narrowness is extremely uncomfortable.

Breathing Exercise: Feel your soles. Lightly press the tip of your tongue up to the top of your palate as if you were articulating an "L" and let your breath in and out through your nose.

Effect: Tongue, diaphragm and respiration influence each other. More air gets into the lungs and the breathing gets deeper. The tightness around you no longer takes your breath away and becomes more bearable.

3. You have to deliver a concept, but your head is completely empty.

Breathing Exercise: Just stand like a bamboo stick. As you inhale, swing your whole body back slightly (like a stalk in the wind), keeping your feet on the ground. Swing forward with the exhale. Then loosen the stomach and swing it back with the resulting breath. To repeat.

Effect: In the blockage, the abdomen and diaphragm are firm. It is overcome with the vibration. With the deep inhalation, you also come up with the new idea.

4. In the queue in front of the cashier you are in a hurry.

Breathing Exercise: With your exhalation, push the cart away from you and pull it in when inhaling. So you do not attract attention, make small movements. Stay in your respiratory flow.

Effect: They release stress, use the break for the next appointment.

5. They are annoyed, but they want to calmly and confidently meet the person you are so mad about.

Breathing Exercise: Peek with your mouth and exhale on the letter "W" (that sounds like a foghorn). Make circular movements with your hips. Inhale through the nose. Repeat several times.

Effect: The exercise shifts the tightness from the neck to the lips. They have contact with your pelvic floor and gain more air and voice.

6. You need a loan and feel at the mercy of the bank employee and insecure.

Breathing Exercise: Lean upright with your whole back against the back of the chair. When inhaling, put on your toes, stretch them in exhalation, then let go for a moment. To repeat.

Effect: Through the rhythm of the breathing, you feel again more in the possession of your powers and also able to act.

Breathing Meditation | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (April 2024).

Breathing exercise, breathing, stress, relaxation