Beat the star: Sasha wins the celebrity duel against Tim Mälzer

That's the way you want to see it: in the latest issue of "Beat the Star", two celebrity candidates met on Saturday night and said they really wanted to win. Although singer Sasha (47, "If You Believe") won the competition after 14 games and won 100,000 euros, many spectators celebrated the appearance of TV chef Tim Mälzer.

A fair winner and a disappointed loser

This was the first time I've faced such a blatant challenge, "said Sasha after beating ProSieben. "It was nice, exciting and physically exhausting, and in the end it was just a tight panty, but I would have allowed it to Tim."

He could only agree with Sasha's statement: "Here we have really down our pants today! Great games - and the dredging I found great and against Sasha, it was fun anyway." On the other hand, Mälzer was also disappointed with himself and his performance. "I've already smelled that money, maybe I'm not as horny as I always think."

"Raab is back"

The latter saw many viewers certainly different. Mälzer brought Pep on the program, as it did show legend Stefan Raab (52) once in the spiritual predecessor format "Schlag den Raab". In the social media, many celebrated the TV chef.

For example, one Twitter user wrote, "Raab is back in the guise of Tim Mälzer." Both his sayings and his "Mimimi" would make the show "finally worth seeing". Another user can only agree: "Never before has a candidate Stefan Raab been so similar to Tim Mälzer."

And even more praise: "Well, I think the maltster really cool. Big mouth, can also laugh at himself and does not take so seriously, who carries almost the entire # SchlagdenStar broadcast alone," writes a user.

Another explains: "I like to stand there alone with my opinion, but #SchlagDenStar would have been a bigger success with Tim Mälzer than with Steffen Henssler! For a long time the show was not so amusing ..." Although he means the sister -Format "Beat the Hennsler", but no, after the show he is probably not alone with this opinion.

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Tim Mälzer, Raab, Stefan Raab, ProSieben, Pro7, Beat the Star, Tim Mälzer, Stefan Raab, Sasha