"12 weeks vacation ???" ? 7 thoughts that all first grader parents have

1. "Please what? 12 weeks vacation ???" To be precise, it's even 12 and a half. In the kindergarten there were three weeks closing time, and there we were already completely overwhelmed with the vacation planning. That's gonna be tough, guys. And really!

2. "One week North Sea for 2000 Euro? Is this a typo?" Well, have you ever seen what is going on in August as a holiday? We tell you: With a gasoline-normal holiday budget pretty much nothing. Welcome to the three-star campsite in Wanne-Eickel! And Good Bye, Costa Brava, Miami and Sylt!

3. "How, they do not learn handwriting anymore?" Good, a little shocker, but then somehow understandable. For what did you need scribing again exactly? Ah yes, nothing at all. And that the Lütten can not decipher our diaries from the past is an advantage after all ...

4. "Will we hate each other in the afternoon?" Bad memories of really awful afternoons hanging desperately on mom's or dad's homework? We would like to say something consoling there, but it will be just such afternoons. With you in the role of the villain. The course of life.

5. "What do I say if I do not understand math?" We can comfort you now. This happens at the earliest in class 2. Some parents even manage the third without mistakes.

6. "What if the teacher is a witch?" Are not we sometimes? Well, then the little ones can handle it! Not to mention that our offspring sometimes is not quite as easily digestible. Especially not in 25-fold execution.

7. "But they were just born !!!" That's the way it is. And the day after tomorrow they will do their driver's license, bring awful wannabe-in-law-children home and get a Arschgeweih sting, because the 2030 is again fully hip. All this will happen without us being able to do anything about it. They are getting old and frail while we still nostalgically stroll through the H & M Baby Department. Children just grow faster than their parents. Remember and be lenient if your mother still puts a scarf around your neck today so you do not catch a cold. She does not know any better. If you ask her, you were born yesterday. All right, at least the day before yesterday.

NUMBERJACKS | Seaside Adventure | Full Movie (June 2024).