• June 28, 2024

A Caesarean section is "lazy," says Kate Hudson ... and everyone goes crazy!

It was an inconsequential questionnaire with actress Kate Hudson doing a decent shitstorm last week. When asked what was the laziest thing she ever did, the mother of two answered, "My C-section. Worldwide, this caused great outrage. A caesarean section should be laziness? On Twitter, Facebook and co. Hailed criticism. Mothers, for whom the procedure was life-saving, felt attacked by the actress's succinct statement. And indeed her answer works ... well ... we'll say it kindly: inappropriate.

A cesarean section is highly emotional

If children are born through caesarean section, it's a highly emotional affair. In other words, every birth is highly emotional, but with caesarean sections, many women add another aspect. So with me. My daughter was brought by caesarean section after eight days of unsuccessful induction and a total of 128 hours of labor. No, I would not let myself be lazy in a dream? but after that the agonizing question remained: Did I give my child the life or was it the senior physician? It was clear to me that this question is gross bullshit a few weeks and thoughts later. But that morning, when I first saw my little daughter in her little eyes, hormone-flooded and completely exhausted, it just felt wrong that she had been cut out of me. Medical sense or not. I missed him, the moment of blissful salvation in which the child is laid on the chest. Popping champagne corks, a nice shower and everything is fine. I imagined it like that. With caesarean sections, the right pain does not begin until the child is there. To face surgery, on the very day of birth of your own child, no, you really can not call that lazy. You do it to save lives. Your own or that of the child.

It was a bit different with Kate Hudson

For Kate Hudson's caesarean section, however, there was no medical indication, no reason such as fear of a natural birth. In an interview, the mother of two told that she simply did not feel like going home again and taking the paparazzi-lined path to the hospital one more time. If you know this story, its seemingly terse statement appears in a slightly different light. Anyone who has ever undergone a tummy tuck can imagine how much Kate Hudson was likely to regret her decision in retrospect. By the way, years later, Kate Hudson gave birth to another child? naturally. Your answer on the form was? taken out of context? certainly not very sensitive, but probably not in the beginning as thoughtless as assumed.

Every birth should make us proud. Point.

I can not say what it feels like to give birth to a child under contract. I also do not know if this one moment was really as blissful as in my imagination (I have heard very different experiences there), but I now know that I can be proud of myself. My second child was born by caesarean section. It weighs five kilos and to be honest: In retrospect, I am very grateful for the advice of the doctors not to give it a try. I have great respect for every woman who embarks on the adventure of birth. Whether with or without anesthesia, with or without surgeons, with or without fear of what comes to you. And yes, I also have respect for a Kate Hudson, who self-critically deals with her own decision (or motives). That one does not always consider all destinies, when one talks about personal things, I also know. Except that in the worst case I will knock some friends or my husband off and not the mothers of all nations. A luck!

Kate Hudson Is Getting Flak For Her C-Section Comment (June 2024).