6 Problems of people who were spoiled too much as a child

Most of all very many parents would like to read their every wish from the eyes of their children and pamper them after every stroke. But in a similar way as it can harm a person's self-esteem, when he is praised too much as a child, spoiled children may find it difficult to master their lives later. Here are six typical problems faced by people who only ever say "Yes, of course, babies!" to hear ...

Problems of spoiled people

1. You can not handle defeats.

If we children do not learn to put up with setbacks and disappointments, it will be even harder for us as adults if things do not go the way we want them to.

2. You give up quickly.

Sooner or later we all come into a situation where we have to fight for something. But who as a child has always got everything by itself (ie from the parents), never had to learn to fight? and therefore, as an adult, it will tend to throw in the towel when resisting.

3. You do not get along with criticism or rejection.

A cancellation after the job interview? A basket? Is not there! What morons have decided that! They have no idea! So it's not me ... Yes, this could be the reaction of who as a child was Mama's little prince. Problem: Does this give him a good opportunity to reflect on himself? and to grow!

4. You take luck and success for granted.

Pampered people know nothing else than always getting their way. And so they never really appreciate positive things. Sad, because the ability to be happy (even about trifles), brings many beautiful moments of happiness in our lives.

5. You can not take any initiative.

Why show commitment when everything works on its own? People who only had to say "beep" as children to achieve something are more likely to wait until others tackle and fix things.

6. You are independent and quickly overwhelmed.

Whaaaat? I have to register for the office and my new residence myself? When should I do it all? To whom as a child everything was taken? How should one suddenly have everything under control when he is on his own? No wonder that spoiled people are often hardly resilient and quickly come to swim. Can you really not blame them ...

But we have some comfort for those who have been pampered by their parents and now have to deal with the consequences: What the parents have missed, the reality catching up faster than we would like. And luckily we learn all our life and adapt ourselves to the demands that are placed on us. Also, when we were spoiled as children.


7 Types of Child Behavior That Are Dangerous to Ignore (April 2024).