5 types of women who find it difficult to find a husband

Everyone has this one girlfriend, who is felt to be a long-running single. Sometimes you have a faint idea what it could be. Often you can not understand it at all. Sure, tastes are different and for every potty there is a lid. These types of women are usually harder to find the prince charming than the others.

1. The dominant

Sure, there are men who really care about women who set the tone. But most people do not feel masculine enough when they are with a dominant woman. Equal rights? Sure, of course! But they do not want to be interrupted. The perfect mix: a self-confident and self-reliant woman, but who likes to be hugged by him on a regular basis.

2. The "I can do anything" woman

Mount the shelf, make the computer fast, carry the heavy bags up. A woman who can do everything and preferably even in the hand, can scare men easily. Because they feel like needed and want to play the protector. The "I can do anything" woman should therefore perhaps more often switch back a gear and let the man a little betüddeln. Honestly, do it well!

3. The uncertainty

I can not do anything, I'm not pretty and everything is stupid Anyone who thinks like that does not seem to be magnetically attractive to men. They love women with a positive charisma who can sometimes take the initiative. And when the girlfriend is at peace with herself, she also acts much more confident in bed. The first step out of the uncertainty trap is to learn to love oneself.

4. The bitch

Yes, nobody likes to surround themselves with this type of person. Discussions? Excellent! But eternal nagging and disputing overwhelm men. The bitch should ask itself more often: Would I like to be with myself? And she should work on her appreciation for other people. Nobody wants to hurt her!

5. The perfectionist

He has to look good (six pack, of course), earn a lot, be incredibly smart and educated ... yes and of course hear the same music. And dogs like. And for God's sake, he must not wear corduroy trousers or be unsportsmanlike. Um ... yes ... you can find someone like that. But is not it much more important that you get along well? Of course you should have claims to a man. But to settle for nothing less than the Hollywood dream prince, happiness is simply in the way. Always realistic!

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6 Tips to Find a Christian Husband/Wife From How I Met, Dated, and Married Bethany (June 2024).

Type of woman, dating, love counselor