5 things that relax you more than a vacation

Between work, household and family it is quite normal to get into stressful situations from time to time. They can also pull themselves over a few weeks. Our first reflex is then: I need holidays! In doing so, we can also incorporate effective time-outs into our everyday lives. Quasi mini-vacations that? if they are repeated regularly? have a more relaxing effect on us than a trip. Why? Because they are more sustainable than a few days holiday at one go.

A trip is nice, but after two weeks, the recovery effect disappears quickly. In addition, holidays do not always mean relaxation: quarrels with the partner, organizational stress, illness ... Unfortunately, many stress triggers can travel with them. So how can we relax more effectively? For example with these five measures.

30-minute walk

Every day! To work, in the lunch break, after work ... best in nature. Various studies prove that only five minutes in the forest extremely relaxing? and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Get a pet

What can it be: dog, cat, rabbit? Not everyone has the time and inclination to look after a pet. But the fact is: animals reduce stress. The American Heart Association has found that they can reduce risk factors such as obesity, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. If you do not have time for your own animal, but still do not want to give it up, you can also carry a dog from the animal shelter.

to do yoga

Yoga can be wonderfully incorporated as a daily ritual in everyday life? because you can just practice it at home. A study by the Massachusetts General Hospital has shown that relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and tai chi effectively reduce stress levels. A few minutes a day can make the difference!

Read more

Who regularly dives into books, so to speak, goes on a journey? only without organizational stress. Interesting: Researchers at the University of Sussex have found that reading can reduce stress levels by 68 percent. After all, listening to music by 61 percent.

Looking for a hobby

Apart from reading or yoga, there are many more things that can be turned into a hobby. Whether a sport or a collecting passion? The Techniker Krankenkasse writes in their Stress Report 2016 that 71 percent are the best at relaxing their hobbies.

What else can help you relax, you can read here:

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7 small mindfulness exercises that make your life more relaxed

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Stress, holidays