When it burns suddenly? Hot tips for menopause

There are topics that just nobody really talks about. We do. With us you read about the menstrual cup, revelations of a maid, the life-threatening male flu and the relationship with third party. And now we have to talk about the menopause. Really.

Fortunately, Barbara still has a little time. The menopause, so the very last menstrual period has an average of 50. Until then, it comes to a constant back and forth. Sometimes you get his days, then again. It just changes. And the mood, too.

Make yourself ready for something

But mood swings and absence of the menstrual period are not. Everyone has heard of the typical hot flashes and sweats. But the menopause can also hit the gut: a little PMS aggressiveness alternating with howl attacks are already used to most women. But it could get worse: exhaustion and nervousness, then sleep disorders and depression? sounds like a vicious circle. If then also urinary tract infections and bladder weakness come to it and you hold the first Tena Lady in your hands, one briefly believes: Now it is over. Give us the pill in between!

Is not there something of ... but for sure!

Some of them we already know women from the typical cycle life, but if it comes then still clenched ... Then you're glad about any help. Of course, the industry knows that too. So here are a few products for the menopause, so if they happen then at some point.

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Hormone or plant cocktail?

When the hormones are totally messed up, only one thing helps: even more hormones. That was the motto at least earlier. If that's too much chemistry for you, you're going to use herbal alternatives. Is today rather announced. Soothing.

A drop of salt in the ocean

Even more natural and less dosed is homeopathy. Either a few Schuessler salts or a few drops of Bach flower and then it works with the Wusa.

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Freshly bathed? from sweat in the tub and again

It gets even more supple in a hot bath. How convenient: then the hot flashes are not so noticeable, it's hot anyway. If it has to go faster, hot flash sprays help.

Drink tea and wait

It's usually the best anyway. But that there are now also special teas for the menopause ... abfahren.

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Skin and Hair Changes During Menopause (May 2024).