Week of pregnancy 13 (13th SSW): Finally you can announce it!

Finally done: You are now in the 13th week of pregnancy (13th week of pregnancy) and have survived the critical phase and thus already the first trimester. Now start the fourth month of pregnancy and the second trimester your pregnancy. This is definitely a reason to be happy. From now on, the coming weeks of pregnancy will probably be a bit more relaxed because:

  • The pregnancy has stabilized
  • the hormones have settled in this SSW
  • most women now have barely even with the hated morning sickness to fight.
  • The Miscarriage Risk drops massively. Hurray!

If you have not told anyone about your pregnancy, for fear of anything else going wrong, From the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the whole world knows it! Friends, relatives and of course your employer? Everyone can now know that you will have a baby soon.

This is how the baby develops in the 13th week of pregnancy

In the 13th week of pregnancy, the fetus in your stomach is about 7 inches tall (crown-rump-length). Incidentally, such size information is always average. Especially from the fourth month of pregnancy a baby from SSW to SSW often grows very differently. But your gynecologist will keep an eye on the size of the fetus during the ultrasound scan and inform you if the growth does not match the normal course. The ultrasound-measured quantities are also recorded in the diagram for the growth process in your Mutterpass.

In this pregnancy week that takes Equilibrium organ in the ear his work up. Stimuli triggered by movement are then passed on to the brain? that is, the fetus begins to develop fun with movement from the second trimester? Both in your movements, such as yoga, running or climbing stairs, which your unborn child naturally also feels in his stomach, as well as his own. Your baby enjoys that to be able to move The amniotic sac is increasingly turning into a gymnastics room for the fetus, as shown by this magnificent ultrasound video:

In the 13th SSW also starts Ossification of the skeleton, This means that the skeletal cartilages are now beginning to ossify. A process that still lasts for a long time and is only complete in teenage years.

This happens in the 13th week of pregnancy in your body

Your belly grows:So slow you can not overlook it anymore. Luckily, you can show him proudly now, and you do not have to hide him in his job, for example, under wide blouses. Maternity Maybe you do not need to be in the 13th SSW yet. Above all, it is important that you feel comfortable in your clothes, And if the normal jeans pinches, rather switch to comfortable pregnancy pants. By the way: You do not even have to completely equip yourself with maternity clothes: You can also wear cuddly dresses, long shirts and longer T-shirts for a while with a growing baby's belly.

Weight Gain: With the disappearance of the first nasty signs of pregnancy, such as morning sickness, your appetite returns with the second trimester! That's good, because your body needs more calories than usual. That does not mean that you have to eat "for two" now, but a little more may already be on the plate. You will need around 300 calories every day. First of all, of course, healthy things like fresh vegetables and whole grains that will give you the energy to feel tired and tired. A weight gain of one to three kilograms until the 13th pregnancy week is totally in the frame. By the date of birth you will probably increase about 16 kilograms.

Shortness of breath: You may also suffer from this SSW shortness of breath, Especially if you are in a hurry, climb stairs or carry something heavy. Just slow down a bit, take breaks and take a deep breath. So, through the placenta, a lot of oxygen gets to your baby.

Premature milk flow: Do not be surprised, even the so-called Vormilch, can already occur in the 13th SSW. It varies greatly from woman to woman, when and how much milk escapes during pregnancy from the chest. For some women, there is something already in the first weeks of pregnancy, and nothing at all until birth. By the way, whether you have foremilk or not says nothing about that Milk production after birth out. So you do not have to worry about the foremilk.

13th SSW: Now is the second check-up (13th to 16th SSW) on

In the next weeks of pregnancy, the second check-up will take place. Your Gynecologist or the midwife check the position of your baby, his heart sounds and if everything else is okay. It also measures the growth of your uterus, your weight, blood pressure and your iron value. It may still be too vaginal examinations or ultrasound come to check the cervix and the child situation.
Also a fewadditional investigations can from 13.-14. Week of pregnancy. Your gynecologist can give you detailed advice on prenatal diagnosis.

SSW 13: That's important now

Announce pregnancy: finally out with it!

The 12th week of pregnancy is done? finally you can do it officiallythat you will be mom soon. Perhaps friends and colleagues in your environment have already critically slipped on the growing belly and wondered that you drink at meetings only juice spritzers. Therefore, it is certainly a relief to finally get everyone on board.

How your partner and you do that is of course up to you? Many couples think of something special with their own parents, For example, you can design a beautiful card or place an ultrasound image in a location where it happens to be discovered at an unexpected moment. So the surprise and joy is even greater - After all, grandparents are also a very special moment in life.

Inform the employer: For your own protection

Once the pregnancy is stable, you should tell your employer that you will have a baby soon.

That's why this is important:

  • Your superiors can also think about a substitution solution for your parental leave.
  • for your own benefit: Pregnant women are under special protection in Germany. According to the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG), you may no longer be dismissed or carry out any serious or dangerous work.

Of course, in order to comply with these regulations, the employer must know about the pregnancy.

Is one obliged to tell the employer?

No, there is a duty of notification only if your work involves special dangers or your tasks are so complex that finding a substitute is very time-consuming. Otherwise you are not obliged to say it. However, it is highly recommended not to speak first, if the stomach is already big as a medicine ball.

How do you best say it to the employer?

There are no requirements here. Of course it is nicer in one personal conversation to say that you are pregnant. It is always advisable to also give the information in writing, if it comes later to disagreements. You should already be in the message about your pregnancy to call the expected date of birth.You can calculate this with the pregnancy week. You should also tell how long you plan to go on parental leave.

Safety at work during pregnancy

Your employer is committed to providing protection and safety. Does your work generally special risks, because of an increased risk of infection (medical practices, animal care, laboratory work, parenting) or because of heavy physical work (nursing, gardening, retail), then your doctor will ask you prohibition of employment To give.

Also a individual employment ban is possible, for example, if it is a risk pregnancy or your job causes stress and strain for other reasons. Maybe it's necessary to make improvements at your workplace? about to protect you from noise or to allow breaks. Again, the employer is obliged.

Please avoid: cleaning products and Co.

If you are pregnant, you should avoid using aggressive cleansing agents, especially sprays. Because the poisonous chemistry can reach your child through the respiratory tract. Also, the painting on a move you should rather leave it to others.

Videotipp: Eating during pregnancy: What is forbidden?

#LoveAfterLockup Recap | Season 2 | Ep. 13 "Sorry, Not Sorry" (May 2024).

Pregnancy week, Pregnancy, Pregnancy month, Pregnant, Baby