Wedding Photo: Tips and Tricks

The wedding photo is one of the biggest challenges of the day: it will serve as evidence for the rest of your life, as judged by relatives, friends and colleagues, handed down by parents. And it's nice if you do not look completely wrong ...

How to do that, explains Bärbel Recktenwald. She produces for ChroniquesDuVasteMonde fashion shows, and has given us her personal tips:

Get used to the color white! "Many women never wear white, and then look colorless and pale, or think they look and paste themselves with make-up, which is why they put on a light blouse more often, and then go to trial wear."

Exactly: Probeschminken Recommended for women who enjoy make-up. "Go to the next bigger city on the weekend - with your white blouse, of course - and have yourself put on in department stores or cosmetics stores - it's free and you can try different styles: Once you ask for an evening make-up Once, what is more natural, my experience is that many beauticians apply too much to the bridal make-up and face-to-face, so try it out! "

No masks "Many brides think: Make-up will make you feel good, not necessarily, you should not transform yourself into total alienation, because the viewers should be able to recognize you in the photo! Stay with them as your guests know you and your husband loves you. "

Visit several photographers "Never take the next best photographer, let him show you pictures he made at previous weddings, if you find them awful - go quickly."

Seek inspiration "If you like a picture, a mood, a pose in a magazine, then tear it out and take it with you, it will be much easier to describe what you would like to do, because remember: on your wedding day, you may only have half an hour left to take the pictures! "

Practice for the photo "Think about which pictures you would like to have and then go out with two friends and your digital camera and try out: How do I smile best? Show teeth or not? What works of course? Everyone is different. Test: How do we look better, sitting or standing, do we have huge noses when seen in profile, at what angle do we conceal his receding hairline, do I look slimmer from the side, it's fun, you're relaxed, and you're bound to get great Ideas! Show the best photos to the photographer. "

Before or after? "After the wedding, my recommendation is - there you are, and the tension is gone, and this extra radiance makes up for a not-so-perfect make-up, so be sure to bring a friend with you to the shoot even powdering against a shiny nose or forehead - the groom, by the way, even if he fights back.And the girlfriend can look for wrinkles in the dress or strands of face and make you laugh! "

5 Wedding Photography Tips And Tricks You Need To Hear! (May 2024).

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