Tired? So you get the maximum out of the short Mama sleep

Just got up and tired again? Let's not fool ourselves ? With children, sleep will never be truly relaxing. And we can not do anything about cuddly nights, monsters under the bed and children who suddenly feel terribly thirsty. But we can tweak other things to make a couple of hours of restful sleep. Here are our ideas:

  1. Caffeine is part of the Mama Survival. But that can take five to six hours to work, and so the much-needed coffee in the afternoon becomes a watchkeeper at bedtime.
  2. Worry about a light dinner. Heavy meals and alcohol can cause heartburn. And with too full a belly, it just does not sleep well.
  3. Are your sleeping things really comfortable? Nightgown and pajamas should be lightweight and breathable. Bamboo or viscose fibers, silk and cotton are also soft and comfortable.
  4. Freshly ventilated it cuddles best in bed. For an even cooler head, there are roll-on pens with mint and essential soothing oils. Relaxation preprogrammed? also for the neck musculaur.
  5. Waives shortly before sleep on digital. Even if you wake up in between, the scrolling is counterproductive. Mobile phone and tablet stimulate the brain when it should actually shut down. Better to read a book.
  6. Make the room as dark as possible. If that does not work, think about a sleep mask. They are now even with care or cooling pillow for the eyes.
  7. If you find it difficult to fall asleep or wake up and do not easily fall back to sleep, little tricks can help. A relaxing pillow spray, a mum mantra or just a glass of milk will clear your mind for beautiful dreams. In no case go to bed with the mum to-do list in mind, please.
  8. No long discussions with a child or a husband before going to bed. Stay calm, sleep well.

And if you're one of the co-sleepers now, there's only one tip: the family bed can not be big enough!

FunnyMike- Mama Whooped My Ass (OFFICIAL VIDEO) (May 2024).
