The magician ? your tarot card

"The Magician": What does this map mean?

In short
Self-confidence, willpower, influence, successful action, knowledge of the secret laws of life

Now use your concentrated personal magic power to reach your goal; but always stay a good, fair "magician"!

"The Magician": What does the tarot card show?

At the center of the map is the figure of the magician. He holds his wand high in the sky. He points to the ground with his other hand. This gesture corresponds to the magic formula "As above, so below". The magician conjures the sky to earth, so to speak: The rose tendrils, which bloom at the top of the map, can be found together with white lilies at the bottom of the picture.

The red and white robe of the magician shows him as a mediator between spiritual and real, tangible flowers. Above his head floats the symbol of infinity, the lemniscate, a recumbent eight, which indicates that the magician has eternally valid knowledge.

In order to accomplish the magic art piece, to bring dream locks to the earth, in which one can actually live, one must already be very well equipped! On the table in front of the magician are the four magic tools he needs: a staff, a goblet, a sword, and a disc that is decorated with a pentagram and looks like an oversized coin. These four objects, which we encounter again and again in the Tarot, are symbols of the four basic forces that dwell in each human being: the staff stands for will and energy, the sword for mind and intellect, the chalice for feeling and instinct, and the disc for the matter to which, among other things, one's own body belongs.

In this sense, the one who draws this card really has "everyone"! He can get the best out of himself at all levels of cooperation? and pass it on to others.

This "magic card" certifies you the talent to achieve with concentrated self-esteem, whatever you have just made; professional as well as in love.

As a day ticket: If the tarot picture "The Magician" stands for you

You have a lot of talents? use it! Your charisma is magical. Sexy and clever at the same time you conquer the men's hearts by storm. If you are still single, then now: Only courage, make the first step yourself, you will enchant your dream prince! In a solid partnership, you are now clearly the boss who can hold all the strings and announce where to go together. Even as a tough career lady you are doing an extremely good job. So: Take the wand in your hand, make your life exactly as you wish it! But be careful that you do not make false promises to others or juggle with their feelings. Do not become the evil magic witch or heartbreaker who mercilessly turns the head of men without serious feelings behind it!

As Love-Red: If the tarot card "The Mage" is your partner or relationship

Ideally, you have fished a charismatic magic prince to experience heaven on earth. But maybe you should be wary of something, because sometimes he likes to stretch you in front of the cart for your own purposes instead of supporting you; or at least annoying with his arrogance. If one is too aware of his charisma and abilities, a certain arrogance can easily arise.

"The Magician": Maps of the map

In Tarot: Great Arcana - Trump I

Further names of the card: The Magician (Rider Waite Tarot) - The Magnus (Aleister Crowley Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Fire, water, air and earth? Mercury, the messenger of the gods and planet of communication

How to Read the Magician Card | Tarot Cards (May 2024).

Tarot card, Liebestarot